MODOK's first appearance in Tales of Suspense #94, by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby,and Joe Sinnott.
© 1967 Marvel Comics
Hey boys and girls,
I wanna talk about M.O.D.O.K,
M ental
O rganism
D esigned
O nly for
K illing
He is an awesome marvel villain spawned out of the fertile pen/pencil of Jack Kirby. So great was MODOK's first appearance in Tales of Suspense #94, that Brendan Tobin and myself are rallying to make March the month of the MINDBLAST.
Here are some of the guidelines for this adventure:
1. We're thinking a minimum of 5 posts per participant (March has 5 Sundays this year), that's at least 1 or so a week, by each Sunday. No limit to a maximum, as long as it is within March 1-31.
2. Each post, under the title/tag of "March MODOK Madness" project title, should feature MODOK (and we mean it), in some form or another as the focus, but can feature other characters/elements. Sky is the limit in interpretation of MODOK, if it be realistic, cartoony, comicbooky, designy, whatever.
3. You can write as much or as little about your posted pic as seen fit. If you have a good MODOK inspired HAIKU handy that would be stellar.
4. Commenting on posts is encouraged and appreciated as long as comments consist of positive and constructive criticism. Throwing out support for one another's recent MODOK endeavors would be welcomed. Links in posts that bring attention to individuals' personal, creative blogs is also welcomed.
5. Have fun, and remember MODOK is what he is: A massive, malevolent, mindblasting menace of malice and mirth. Your drawings can be finished or sketches, but the key ingredient should be love in this equation.
On behalf of Brendan and myself I welcome you to the March MODOK Madness, and thank you for sharing your time with our works.
Many thanks..
Well said,Pedro. I look forward to this venture because 1) my love for MODOK is so strong and 2) it gets me cranking out some art. Here's to March MODOK madness!
Word man. Lets spread the MODOK GOSPEL to the people.
Move over Sunday pancakes and scrambled eggs. MODOK has come to town! Looking forward to the madness!!
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