Here we see the mental organism enjoying some downtime, as he bobs down the river. No doubt he is pumping his own special brand of pollutant into the water supply, as he over fishes to his hearts content.
It's time to chalk up another year of March MODOK Madness for me. It's hard to even believe it's been Seven years since I sat down in a pub with my good friend Brendan, and we decided to dedicate a month to MODOK.
As always I like to finish off the year by sending out thanks in my last post:
- First and foremost, thanks to Brendan (my friend and fellow Beekeeper) for making this something I look forward to every year. Already got some ideas for 2015!
- Second I'd like to thank (hell even APPLAUD) all the artists and fans out there who devote their time and skills in celebration of the master of MINDBLAST. The artwork you send every year keeps the month interesting and inspiring. I salute you all.
- Finally, I'd like to thank MODOK. Because he is the reason most of this even happens.
- Also, if you've missed the deadline for this March; worry not. We'll see about setting it up next year.