Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Maleficent MODOK #1: Page 5

Thus ends "One Hell Of A Headshrinker!", the first arc in The Maleficent MODOK issue one. Join us next week for an awesome action-packed account of abstruseness called... "Dinner In The Dark Dimension!" After an advertisement from one of our duly devoted and astounding advocating advertisers, naturally. Hey, someone has to pay for today's printing costs!



  1. Great work. Right up to the end it was truly a tale of suspence! Can't wait to see the next segment.

  2. I love this comic! Every page is more awesome than the one before.

  3. Killer last page. Awesome Andy smoking all those cigarettes is like the best thing ever, and I love The Watcher's line too.

  4. Thank you all, commentators, on the first arc of my comic! The warm reception has been great! See you Monday!

