Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Submitted MODOK: Alcohólicos Atónitos
David Güell(seen above)
Visited the the mailbox at with sweet little packet of drawings from a group calling themselves "Alcohólicos Atónitos". Loosely translated this title is, "Alcoholics Overwhelmed" within my Mac translator, but I cannot be certain that's completely accurate because translations are tricky.
Alcohólicos Atónitos is a collective of Illustrators that gathers from time to time to play drawing games, and last Friday one of the members proposed that they could all do a personal version of everyones favorite mental organism. This Brilliant suggestion came from Albert Monteys (see below), and we couldn't be happier. Even more interesting to note is that all the drawings were done without any direct reference, or any prior knowledge of Modok. I invite you to check the links on these and and click all artwork to see it larger...lots of good stuff..
Albert Monteys(below)
Fernando Cobos(above)
David Navarrot(below)
Roc Espinet(above)
Pablo Rodríguez(below)
María Elcacho(above)
Thanks to Albert, Roc, David N., Fernando, Pablo, María, and David G. for this Awesome batch of MODOK've done excellent work and we appreciate your support...
Great Variety guys....Thanks for making MODOK part of your artistic gathering...