Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Submitted MODOK: Daniel Wagner

Daniel Wagner, renowned guitarist, bassist, vocalist, programmer, and champion dinosaur-fighter for the band Hooray For Gooba, sent our mighty blog a song dedicated to MODOK! It's pretty sweet, if I say so myself! Daniel writes:
I'm a huge fan of MODOK, which is why it makes perfect sense that I wrote a love song to the aforementioned super-villain titled "MODOK, MODOK (Why are you killing everybody?)" and perform it under the name Hooray for Gooba! It's a big hit with the kids, as is MODOK.

As I try to figure out how to post an mp3 on blogger for March MODOK MAdness, for now head over to http://www.myspace.com/hoorayforgooba for more great Hooray For Gooba, including "MODOK, MODOK"! Thanks, Daniel, and toss a dinosaur for me!


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