Monday, March 21, 2011

Submitted MODOK: Joel Duggan

Above is Joel Duggan's sketch of Mad Dog MODOK. You can find this inked piece of MODOK, his weekly web comic and more of his stellar work over at starcrossedonline.

Joel's work came to us through an email sent by Paton Francis(see previous post). Paton and Joel are friends who decided to get together and flex they're collective artistic muscle on a weekly basis. They decided that they would do a weekly sketch topic and post up the results every Friday.
I think this is an awesome idea personally, But then Joel and Paton stepped it up a notch. They opted to dedicate they're first of they're weekly sketch challenges to the one and only mental organism....MODOK...and that is just.......AWESOME.

Thank you for the Modok Joel, and welcome aboard the good ship S.S. MMM 2011.

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