Sunday, March 4, 2012

Submitted MODOK: David Newbold

David  Brought us this awesome drawing of MODOK atop the porcelain throne.

David writes,
"I followed a link from TEN TON Studios FORUM, to the blog and thought it was cool.  I've never drawn MODOK before but he just seems like such a ridiculous character.  Sort of hard to take him serious even with all the power and what not.  Plus, how's that guy wipe?  His arms seem too small to be of much use."

More of David's work can be found Here.
Regarding the matter of  MODOK's relatively tiny arms. I should mention the fact that most A.I.M Beekeepers have heavy duty lab gloves, and full body jumpsuits. Not to mention a helmet with air filtration capabilities.  So I'm guessing that if things do get out of hand with MODOK's bathroom visits after Meatloaf Monday.  He might just let his underlings do the work for him.  He is in charge ya know.

Thanks for sharing your art with us David!,

P.S.  I'm particularly digging the use of Kirby Krackle here as a visual icon for the fowl odor.  Good stuff.

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