Thursday, March 1, 2012

Submitted MODOK: Genevieve Tsai

Genevieve sent these pics of she and her boyfriend a bit late last year, but they are too good to not post this year.  Our MODOK-helmeted friend writes:

Well, I made Aku-MODOK (MODOK Cosplaying as Akuma) and MODAM helmets for my bf and myself... we're a MODOK couple! These are made completely from scratch using craft foam, gouged-out canisters, wigs, and innocent newborn babies... yes, I had the pleasure of dismembering Disney princesses in the process of creating our favorite Mental Organism Designed Only for KILLING. Sometimes Good must be sacrificed in the name of EVIL SCIENCE! MWAHAAHAHHAHAAA!!
*coughs* Ahem... well I hope you enjoy the pics! ^__^


From so much mayhem and destruction comes creation.  Thanks, Genevieve!  You can see more of her work at her blog and website.



  1. Haha! These are fantastic! :D

  2. The facial expressions on the first pic are brilliant! Great stuff. :-)
