Thursday, March 30, 2017

Submitted MODOK: Brien Edick

Multigrained goodnes is part of a balanced breakfast.
The mental organism known as Brien sent us this breakfast cereal inspired MODOK and writes,
Part of a balanced breakfast! (Not intended for children age 12 and under.)
 I'd imagine that there is an awesome activity sheet printed on the back of the box, and you can make the front of the box into a mask to celebrate your favorite Kirby villain.  Personally I wasn't sure what the prize inside the box would be.  But, after some careful consideration I'm almost certain it's a big old dose of Niacin, B-12, and MINDBLASTS!!!!

Many thanks to Edrick for sending this our way.  It's helping us round out a balanced month of MODOK Madness!

Mindblasts for ALL!,

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