Monday, March 30, 2020

Submitted MODOK: John Douglas

The mental organism known as John Douglas has had a very productive month of MODOK Submissions here in 2020. Why, just yesterday he sent us this image along with an email that goes a little something like this,
John's Brain: John!  Hey, John, wake up!
John: Hmmama... wha-mbmbbb... [Snores]
John's Brain: WAKE UP!
John: HuhWha--?  Immuppp... I'm up!
John's Brain: Y'know those tangerines you bought yesterday?
John: Yeah...?
John's Brain: Well, if you cut out the front section, I bet you can make it look like M.O.D.O.K.'s face.  Just Photoshop some eyes and digitally paint the front a bit and you can submit it to March M.O.D.O.K. Madness!
John: [Long pause]  That's... [Another long pause]  Truly, that's gotta be one of the dumbest things you've ever sent my way, Brain.
John's Brain: Yeah, I know...
John: Well, it ain't gonna submit itself!  Let's do it, NOW!  [Leaps out of bed and races to the kitchen.]
So, this submission is a literal tangerine which I cut out to look like M.O.D.O.K., and then imported into Photoshop for a bit of digital chicanery.  The background is a photo I took of the interior of an old computer I had laying around (and should have taken to the Recycle Center a while ago now that I think about it), which was also imported and modified in Photoshop. The accuracy of that conversation in my head is both a sad and shocking glimpse into my life...

All good John, we applaud your resourcefulness during these trying times and that "Inspirational Honesty" attitude of your inner monologue is much appreciated. We'll also very happily share this link to your other works at

Take care and keep Mindblasting in these final days of March 2020, everyone.

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