Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Submitted MODOK: Peppered Chub

The mental organism known as Peppered Chub sent us this majestic MODOK submission after discovering the blog back in 2020. The artwork arrived with the following transmission.

Summary of a covert communique with A.I.M. contact “Macho Swiss”:
From all accounts M.O.D.O.K., like the rest of us over the last year, has found himself with quite a bit of extra free time on his hands. Apparently during a spell of quarantine induced “cabin fever” M.O.D.O.K. began reflecting upon his past. And while he can instantly recall every fact he has ever learned—which gave him a lot to ponder for the first few days of, what has been described by those around him as his “reflective-journey” he, found himself more and more dwelling upon insights gleaned during the dreams he experienced in his former life. [George Tarleton was always bit of a sad sack dreamer Ed.] Eventually such reflections lead him to wonder, “are dreams actual experiences?” Since he himself has not had a dream since the late 60’s [by all accounts M.O.D.O.K. does not dream. Ed.] he needed a refresher on what they were like, to experience them anew. Thusly, having procured a few brains from some “volunteers” he plumbed their unconscious depths hoping for a refreshed perspective. Unfortunately this initial thought experiment was not as easy as shifting himself out of Time-Space (a basic task that would normally require no more than 0.000113 milliseconds of computing). No, this conundrum required the assistance of even more volunteers (and then even more) and countless days of processing. As of this writing M.O.D.O.K seems to have narrowed his inquiry to a few base questions [the following is a direct transcript from a recording made by Macho Swiss on her phone during a high ranking A.I.M. staff meeting:

M.O.D.O.K. <<<Dreams are unlike anything, but seem to like something…is this a covert contradiction? Can one sustain the principle that if a dream seems to have been like something, it was something? <<<[garbled]…This would [garbled] lead one to believe the present tense version of this principle is unassailable:….If it seems to be something like something to be X, then it is like something to be X, correct? I hesitate…

<<<We may need more volunteers…

You can see more artwork over at www.pepperedchub.com.

Keep on Mindblastin',


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