MODOK Madness 2025 starts soon!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

John Douglas Returns!

Longtime submitter John Douglas returns right out of the gate (I'm a little delayed in posting) with this amazing page!  He says,

Wow, it's another year and another March, so I guess that means I gotta get my M.O.D.O.K.'s in a row!

Anyhoo, here's the first of what I hope are many submissions for this year. This time it's a bit of a Kirby pastiche that I've been meaning to do for quite a while... and, of course, only got around to starting the other day. I should work on that whole planning thing. Also, it has a terrible pun, so it has that going for it.

Thanks, John!  Check out more of his work here: https://johndouglasart.blogspot.com/


March MODOK Madness 2025 02



Sunday MODOK_001!

This fussy Lil' MODOK came over for Sunday Brunch.


Saturday, March 1, 2025

March MODOK Madness 2025!


Here we go!  Presenting my first drawing for March MODOK Madness 2025 for your enjoyment!

Pedro and I are glad to be back, pumping out some MODOKs for the whole month of March.  We invite all of you MODOK lovers out there to join in the fun and submit a piece of your own and we would be happy to give it a home right here on the blog.

All MODOK, all March long!


MMM 25'!

 It's that time of year again. Let's put a little MODOK in the month of March.


Sunday, March 31, 2024

So Long From MMM 2024!


I've become a man of fewer words over the years, but I'd like to thank my buddy Pedro for the many Marches, this one especially, and for drawing MODOK along side of me all this time!  Thanks to our many submissions and friends who come back to play each year!  And here's to Jack Kirby, the one who thought it up to start with!  Thanks!


Please be kind...

Just one last quick post from me this year with many thanks to my long time bloggin' partner Brendan! It's crazy to think that we've been sharing the March Modok madness for 16 years. That's a lot of artwork. I look forward to making more images with you all in 2025. In the meantime, I warmly invite you to check out all the previous posts that got us to this point. Have a fantastic remainder of 2024, and be most excellent human beings.


Submitted MODOK: Sebs


Old pal Sebs sends in a plethora of MODOKy goodness:

101 modoks .... man maybe i should do that next year. Sorry about getting these to you so late, March really blasted by.

You can find me at @sebasebs on instagram where I rarely post.


Some real beauties in there! And process videos!  We love process videos!  Thanks Sebs!


Submitted MODOK: RD

RD Returns with:
"George is dead, my friend. You can call me... MODOK!"

I wanted to do at least one more MODOK before the month is over, and against my better judgement decided to recreate a classic panel from The Killing Joke, poorly mimicking the great Brian Bolland.
Oh well, if nothing else, it might inspire others to make their own better versions.

I think it rocks! Awesome work, RD!  Thanks for your submissions this year! 


A Bunch Of MODOKs Courtesy Of John Douglas!

I've been a bad minion and haven't manned my station at the email inbox...

...but here is a slew of John Douglas MODOKs!  Some great ones this year, John, thanks so much for your multiple pieces this year!





Sunday Morning MODOK!_005

Hey fellow March Modok madness followers!

Well, twenty four hours from now we'll have another year in the books. Once again, I must thank everyone who shared artwork and visited the blog this year.  With additional thanks to my longtime friend-o Brendan Tobin for the inspirational images, and support with submissions. You all rock, and make this experience rewarding every year.

I salute you all with a mighty mindblast!

Saturday, March 30, 2024




Saturday Morning MODOK!_005

Beware the prehistoric cave Modok! It's believed that he didn't need a hover-chair for mobility, instead relying on his powerful body odor to levitate.

Another day, another Mindblast.

Friday, March 29, 2024




Friday Morning MODOK!_005

Tossing a little avant garde into this MODOK, with a color palette from an old Campari advertisment. I hope you dig.

Keep on Mindblasting,