MODOK Madness 2025 continues on!

Friday, March 31, 2023

So Long MMM 2023!

 Thanks to everyone for another fun March MODOK Madness!  Big ups to my blog partner, Pedro, for the amazing work you've done this year!  And here's to all the people who submitted their astonishing MODOK pieces!  Keep them coming next year.  A big thank you to Brian Cronin for hosting a MMM week at CBR's The Line It Is Drawn!  Awesome work as always.

We'll see you next March!  Thanks again!


Friday NIght MMM2023_005

Here I am, racing across the finish line for 2023!

It's been a busy month here between freelance, MODOK artwork, and the daily grind. Didn't get to everything I wanted to do this year, so I'll just have to keep a few partially finished ideas in the chamber for the future. As always I have to thank my steadfast blogging cohort Brendan for sharing this monthly adventure with me and extending this tradition another year. He cranked out a mind-bending amount of work (63 images I think) and on top of that, he posted all of the submitted work this year. He's a constant source of inspiration and I am ever grateful for his collaboration and good humor. Which brings me to the new and ongoing fans of the blog that join us for this yearly pilgrimage - you make the blog fun and we thank you for it.

Keep MODOK on your mind,


Submitted MODOK: Legion


Mental organism designated Legion returns this year with a piece titled Scooby-D.O.K. [wide space] Tensegrities In 10.  Awesome!  Nice balancing act!  Thanks, Legion.


Submitted MODOK: John Douglas!

John's done some amazing work this March.  We're quite impressed.  Here's MODOKs 9 and 10!  Here's a hilarious spoof of a Charles Atlas advertisement and a set of nesting dolls (with the King himself!)

Thanks for everything this year, John!  See Mr. Douglas' work at https://johndouglasart.blogspot.com/.


Submitted MODOK: RD


RD submits some amazing pieces as we bring this year to a close. He writes:
So the basic idea is that Eddie, Iron Maiden's mascot was originally called Ed the Head, but whenever big heads are considered, MODOK is obviously superior, and Eddie already has a tendency to change his looks from cover to cover. So this crossover was inevitable, probably. 

Thanks, RD!


MMM 2023 31!!!


Thursday, March 30, 2023

The Eye of the MODOK...

..the thrill of the fight.

After a long 30 days stranded in the Savage Lands, MODOK hasn't quite kept up with his high standards of social grooming, (or hover chair maintenance for that matter) just look at those eyebrows. But, he's kept it natural all month long. Just one more day to go!

March is for mindblasts,

The Line It Is Drawn: Brendan Tobin


It's March MODOK Madness week over at CBR's weekly feature, The Line It Is Drawn!

Twitter follower Keith Alan Morgan (@KeithAlanMorgan) suggested Nancy!

Twitter follower Michael Heide (@MichaelHeide7) suggested The Orb. 

Twitter follower Big Mike Shirley (@BigMike20X6) suggested Machine Man.

You can see more of Brendan's work at his blog.


The Line It Is Drawn: Rod Allen

It's March MODOK Madness week over at CBR's weekly feature, The Line It Is Drawn!  Twitter follower, werehawk1 suggested GL's Aya.  This drawing is by Rod Allen.  Here is his website.  Thanks, Rod!


MMM 2023 30


Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Midweek MODOK_005!

Hello fellow Beekeepers of the blog,

This was the earlier of my two spider bottomed MODOK drawings this year. I enjoyed the expression enough to throw a dash of color at it here too. Few more days to go now and a few more posts yet to kick out.

Keep on Mindblasting,

The Line It Is Drawn: Adam Star Ruvola

It's March MODOK Madness week over at CBR's weekly feature, The Line It Is Drawn!  Twitter follower, melodramakitch1 suggested Plastic Man.  This drawing is by Adam Star Ruvola. His website is here.  Thanks, Adam!


The Line It Is Drawn: David Winters

It's March MODOK Madness week over at CBR's weekly feature, The Line It Is Drawn!  KeithAlanMorgan suggested Pinhead (and yes, I know you meant a different Pinhead, Keith, just go with it).  This drawing is by David Winters.  His website is here and his Instagram is here.  Thanks, David!


MMM 2023 29


Tuesday, March 28, 2023



This wound up being my favorite tessellation this year, which makes the next sentence particularly heartbreaking. It didn't work in the end. Somewhere in my last day or so of working out the pattern I shifted something and lost some visual data that means that it's not a functional repeating pattern :(. I can definitely admit that I've learned some new stuff about pattern making this month, but there is more to practice out there. In the meantime I'll go back to the drawing board here.

Keep on Mindblasting,

The Line It Is Drawn: Nick Butch

 It's March MODOK Madness week over at CBR's weekly feature, The Line It Is Drawn!  Nick Butch draws daviddwwilliams suggestion of Sam Beckett.  He also draws Columbo as suggested by melodramakitch1.

Check out more of Nick's work at his website.  Thanks, Nick!


MMM 2023 28
