Happy St. Patty's Day MODOK fans and followers...
In celebration of today, Kasra sends us a Slew of fine MODOKS, and writes....
"What you've got here is six so-called "quickie" sketches of MODOK all done by
one guy, Wade Furlong. this gives you an idea of how incredibly malleable MODOK
can be, crazy visual candy compliments of Mr. Jack Kirby. as for Wade, he's got
mad mad mad skillz. While he was rooming with me, sometimes I'd wake up in the
morning with one of these having been slid under my door. dude is a freak, the
good kind."
I hope everyone enjoys the delicious six pack of Modok drawings...
and Thanks again to Kasra for the most excellent support...
Artist: Wade Furlong
Web Site: http://wadefurlong.deviantart.com/
From the collection of Kasra Ghanbari
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