Ken Eaton shows us that even MODOK is many faceted... Setting aside the hover chair for an easy evening of some knitting.... He's knitting something diabolically evil to give to Cap'n America, and even his Gaurds are decked out in some fine threads...
Ken writes:
"I do have a soft spot for this once obscure character. I discovered him back in "What If" #37. Although I bought several comics growing up I was not a serious collector and had no idea who this character was. Something about MODOK's giant head of matted hair painfully squeezed into that crazy chair outfit slightly disturbed me. What was more disturbing was Giant Man jumping on top of it and shaking him around. Poor MODOK seemed so fragile and pathetic after just freezing Captain America with his "invincible" mind beam. This issue gave just enough information to let you know he is a mad, genetically altered scientist on one hand bent on world domination but on the other hand feels the world needs his genius. I didn't get it, but I do remember being briefly obessed with drawing this guy and another bizarre villain, Arnim Zola. Here is a page from that issue."
To check out the pages pop on over to Ken's blog and have a look: http://keneatonillustration.blogspot.com/2010/03/modok-madness.html
Great Variation Ken, Thanks for sending us this awesome image and for making This March of MODOKS awesome....
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