MODOK Madness 2025 continues on!

Friday, April 1, 2011

MODOK's Departure...


MODOK has packed his bags and is saying goodbye to MMM2011!
I just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone involved in making this a great Month...
I applaud the awesome artists that shared they're time and talent with us.
I commend the participants who've returned from past years to share with us yet again.
Finally I warmly welcome all of our first time submissions. We should definitely be around for March MODOK Madness in 2012! So mark your calenders and get keep MODOK in the back of your mind, which is where he likes to hang out.

In closing I have to thank two folks in particular....
Big Thanks to Kasra Ghanbari for his support over the years, and for sharing his great collection of MODOK images. He always has something great for us to post.
Finally, I thank the co-creator of the blog Mr. Brendan Tobin, who shared some beers with me a few years back and agreed that the Blog would be a good Idea... Brendan keeps the blog moving forward (introduced the twitter and facebook stuff this year) and its a pleasure working with him on this project every year.

So, with FOUR years of March MODOK Madness in the can. I wish you all the best throughout the rest of 2011, and hope to see you again for MMM 2012!!


Thursday, March 31, 2011

So Long, Thanks For All The MODOK...

Threw this together at the last minute so I could include a goodbye. Thank you one and all for making March MODOK Madness a success for yet another year. Thanks to co-blogger Pedro Delgado for your posting efforts and staying on top of submissions, Kasra Ghanbari for his continued contribution from his collection, and Mighty Fine for joining in the fun. I hope our shilling brought some people your way to buy some great MODOK merch. Hope to see you all next year, keep drawing those MODOKs! Sorry for the brief exodus, MODOK takes a lot out of me every March and I need some sleep. And to give some love to April and Arnim Zola...


Submitted MODOK: Brandon L. Dawley

Brandon rushed in this post right at the end... Its a little last minute MODOK action, and MODOK is even thinking Green. He says he'll be putting some color to it in the coming days. So, if you'd like to check this and his other work out please visit Dawlism.

Submitted MODOK: Rich Werner

Rich from over at PopCap Games sent us this hairy wild eyed version of MODOK which he named "DAVEDOK". He Writes,
I based mine off of Plants Vs Zombies. Since I did all the art on that game I felt it would be funny to do this. My coloring was super fast but I had to get it done.

It looks great Rich, even if you do feel it was super fast work. We appreciate you taking the time to share an image with us in the last hours of MMM2011.

If you'd like to take a look at more of Rich's work check out his SITE!

modok on vacation

This post card reads: Wish you were here. The whether (sic.) is fantastic. I think the drugs here are cheap, because all the locals seem stoned... heh heh heh! Seriously though, we should consider invading this place.

Submitted MODOK: Mark Barrett

Mark from over at PopCap games sent us this vibrantly colored MODOK.. He's taking a little nap and flying along throuht the skys. Perhaps he's dreaming of the wonders to come in March 2012...who's to say..

Many thanks to Mark for the submission and if you'd like to check out more of his work stop on by his SITE!.

Submitted MODOK: Michael Kephart

This Maniacally Menacing MODOK was submitted to us by Michael, just in time for our end of the month deadline.. In this image MODOK has switched on the afterburners and is putting on a show for our final day of MMM 2011.
If you'd like to see more of Mr. Kephart's work, check out his BLOG!

Thanks for sharing your work with us Michael.

Submitted MODOK: Kirk Manley

Kirk Submitted this Spectacular amalgam of one part MODOK and one part DOC OCK. The outcome is a deliciously evil Super villain with mechanized tentacles and Mighty MINDBLASTS... As you can see by the trophies at his feet in this image.... MODOK means BUSINESS on the last day of MARCH.
For More of Kirk's Awesome images please Check out his Site.

Submitted MODOK: Benjamin Phillips

Ben, sent MODOK this little note today along with some fantastic art..In honor of the FINAL day of March MODOK Madness.
Oh greatest one,
I humbly submit my feeble attempt to portray you in all of your magnificence, from your tiny baby limbs to the fullest eye bags on any villain in the entire multiverse... I salute you with my tribute.
Good fun as always, hope this is in time to make the last day!

We're proud to be sharing Ben's work with you, and if you'd like to see some more of his work on your own he invites you to check out his BLOG!.

Submission: Jason Ho

Jason recently heard about the MMM, and dug up this MODOK image he'd drawn so that he could share it with the BLOG.. If you'd like to see this and more of Jason's work please stop over at the BootlegSketchBlog, and pay him a visit..

Thanks for sharing your work with us Jason, We hope to see you again for MMM2012!

Submitted MODOK: David Ryan Paul

The man with three first names, David Ryan Paul, sends in these exquisite renditions of MODOK, had he been created by the French comic artist, Moebius. Uncertain which color scheme to go with, I decided that it was awesome enough to be represented by both. Beautiful work, Mr. Paul, thank you for your contribution to MMM 2011. To see more choice examples of David's work, please visit his website, as well as his blog.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Submitted MODOK: Randy Tischler

Randy Tischler, who helps put on the Baltimore Comic-Con, sent us these drawings that he's collected from artists present at the Baltimore Comic Con. Randy is partial to the work of Richard Thompson (of the syndicated comic strip Cul-de-Sac) Randy writes, "He did this sketch for me at the Baltimore Comic-Con last year where he used characters from Cul-de-Sac (so it's definitely funnier if you know the strip, but it's funny even if your new to Thompsons work!)."

Above art by: Richard Thompson

Randy also sent us this great sketch of MODOK he received a few years back at The Small Press Expo from the very talented Pen of Ryan Dunlavey. Who certainly is not a stranger to us here at March MODOK MADNESS.

Above art by: Ryan Dunlavey

Thanks for sharing these images with us, Randy. Very cool stuff..

Submitted MODOK: Rasim Torun

Rasim joins our list of International artists, sending us this great MODOK drawing from far off Istanbul. He writes,
"I saw your awesome blog last year. But I couldn't find a chance to draw MODOK."

Thankfully, Rasim found some time for MMM 2011 and submitted this fine MODOK from a page in his moleskin sketchpad...
To see Other examples of Mr. Torun's work check out his SITE.
I'm always thrilled when we get submissions from around the world. Its nice to know that we can all sit down, and have some fun drawing the Magnificent MODOK! Mindblasts of Unity!


March is winding down.. But, MODOK is going out with A ROAR!..
Because MODOK is into ordering around all the AIM Beekeepers. He figured he'd take it one step further and have the staff at AIM HQ build him a monument... Maybe like a sphinx or some other monolithic structure that would display his greatness for ages to come... So MODOK gathered his henchmen, told them that they where going on a weekend team building retreat. Then geared up in his royal headgear and oversaw the construction. THUS he BECAME PHARAOH-DOK!. In an interesting side note...his visor says "Kill" in heiroglyphs and I based a lot of the mask design on Tutenkhamen. Furthermore he also, had some Canopic jars specially made to house the remains of any hero's that dared oppose him.

Hope you Dig.


Submitted MODOK: Ben Hodson

Ben sends in this cool, cartoony YODOK and adds: "In a galaxy far, far away....adventure, excitement...a Yodok craves not these things!" Of course not, but some good ol' destruction is right up his alley. Thanks, Ben! Check out more of Mr. Hodson's work at his website.


Submitted MODOK: Pete Taylor

Pete, a founder of the Swansea Comics Collective, sends in another MODOK, this one a portrait of Mark "Son of Ken" Hughes, another founder of the SCC. What a stunning tribute! If you find yourself on Uplands and this character comes at you, watch yourself. He's probably up to no good. That's how MOSOK rolls. Thanks, Pete!


Submitted MODOK: Martien Bos

Martien sends us this great MODOK all the way from Amsterdam, where MODOK lurks the canals and spreads his brand of terror. I love his little arms and legs. Check out Martien's work, including some great caricature and a colored version of this piece, at his blog, Antisomber. Thanks, Martien, for your contribution to MMM 2011!


Submitted MODOK: Annika Fischer

Annika was not about to let March pass with submitting this fantastic Cubist version of MODOK. There's lots of energy within the shapes and colors on this piece. Many thanks to Annika for sharing this Modok Image with us.

For more of Annika's work please check this Site.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Submitted MODOK: Matthew Allison

Sure, John Byrne did a good job with the cover to Captain America #313, but it needed a visceral touch. That's when you call in Matthew Allison. Death Adder plucking an eye and vivisecting MODOK's midsection were much needed, but the icing on the cake has to be Cap puking green stuff. Nice touch. Thanks to both illustrator Matthew Allison and collector Kasra Ghanbari. This one is not for the faint of heart.


Artist: Matthew Allison
Web Site: http://loafdish.blogspot.com
From the collection of Kasra Ghanbari

Submitted MODOK: Sal Abbinanti

A lot of folks know Sal Abbinanti as the art rep for people like Alex Ross and Bill Sienkiewicz through Comic Book Pros. But they also know him as the artist on the creator-owned book Atomika, which like Sal's art is a truly singular creation and must-see.
Kasra has been wanting Sal to draw MODOK for years now, and finally got his wish when one of his best friends, (the incredible artist/force of nature known as Buzz) persuaded Sal to take up the challenge and draw our favorite mental organism. Sal, didn't just draw one MODOK though.... he ended up doing THREE!!, and they're all wicked!

Artist: Sal Abbinanti
Web Site: MercuryComics
From the collection of Kasra Ghanbari

Many thanks again to Kasra for supporting March MODOK Madness supplying us with awesome MODOK images..

Monday, March 28, 2011

Submitted MODOK: Collin David

Collin David returns this year with SkeleDOK, a creepy, fleshless version of MODOK. I'm trying decide whether to have it tattooed across my back or detailed on the side of my van. Either way, it is quite a striking piece. To see more of Mr. David's fine craft and doings, head over to ResonantFish. Thanks, Collin!


Mo' MODOK For A Monday

Here's a manic MODOK for Monday. And a Cosmic Cube. And a cup-holder. Weeeeeeee.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Submitted MODOK: Jason Garrattley

Jason sent us an e-mail with an image for the MMM. He mentioned that he has really enjoyed the chance to see everyone's unique rendition's of our favorite villain throughout March.
Then, Jason then went on to introduce his own Masterful interpretationof MODOK.
"Seated is that blackguard of 221b Baker Street - Modok Holmes, no doubt dreaming up his next nefarious scheme, with his faithful hound Watson by his side."

Jason attached some links to his sites: Kirby-Vision (which you should totally check out, in support of JACK KIRBY) and Between Clark & Hilldale. So check um out....Thanks for sharing the work with us Jason, and supporting MODOK March 2011.

Submitted MODOK: Anonymous

The mysterious being who prefers to be anonymous returns with another moody MODOK. Great looking piece, my unnamed friend. Thanks for your submissions to MMM this year.


Submitted MODOK: Swansea Comics Collective

Behold! A massive multitude of MODOKs manufactured in a monumental mission measuring mere minutes! A group of comic writers and artists in South Wales, designated as the Swansea Comics Collective, combined their interests in both March MODOK Madness and Tim Miner's 5-Minute Marvels to create the following MODOKs, each created within a five minute deadline. Enjoy the following pieces:

Mark 'Son of Ken' Hughes

Pete Taylor

Rob Taylor

Mark Tranter

Lizzi Richards

Ricky Webber

Lee "The Blondie" Philips

Adam 'Waggy' Wilmot

John 'Manhunter' Jones

Whew! That's a lot of MODOK. Thank you guys for your great submissions! MMM fans should take some time to check out the collective's blog for more great blart!


Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Broadway Show

Mighty Fine Rolls Out 2 New MODOK Shirts

Hey all! The good folks at Mighty Fine strike MODOK gold again, releasing two new shirts, IRON MODOK and the amazing looking MODOKTUS! Who knows what else remains up there sleeves? You can find out yourself next weekend, stop by the WonderCon to see all their incredible themed t-shirts and other cool swag available from Mighty Fine! And, as always, beware the devastating, earth-crushing power of MODOKTUS!


Submitted MODOK: Paul Maybury

Kasra sends us yet another image from his Personal Gallery of fine MODOK images.
Mr. Ghanbari writes:
"If you haven't heard of Paul, then you definitely will real soon. He's got a sick style, and I had to have a MODOK from him."

I agree, Paul's work looks mighty slick and I hope to see more of his stuff in the future. If your interested in having a closer look at Paul's work follow the link below and as always you can check out Kasra's Gallery.
Artist: Paul Maybury
Web Site: paulmayburydotcom
From the collection of Kasra Ghanbari

Submitted MODOK: Cormac McEvoy

Cormac Submitted a MODOK to us last year and he wanted to share a new MODOK with us this year. Seriously, MARCH MODOK MADNESS 2011 is in its final week, and Cormac wasn't about to be left out. MODOK will smoke and liter where ever he wants, He will not be ignored.
For more of Cormac's artwork check out his BLOG.
Thanks for the submission Cormac.

Submitted MODOK: Jonathan Morris

After his fantastic 99 MODOKS post earlier this year, Jonathan wrote to us and confessed:
"I couldn't resist getting in a couple more MODOKS before the end of the month, so please find attached a garish portrait of the fine bigheaded fella and the corner box from an imaginary issue of MODOK Team-Up."

Very cools stuff indeed, Lots of Murderous Red Colored Rage in these images. Plus the idea of MODOK team up issues is more then enough to send me to the comic shop with my paycheck in hand..
For more of Jonanthan's art please visit his site.
Thanks for the artwork Jonathan, and for your continued support of MMM 2012!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Hypercolor Turbo MODOK

Here's a Colorful and speedy version of a Killer Mental Organism... I figured I'd give him some green manga type hair when I painted the image. I don't remember why I did it this way But, I just had fun with it.

I hope you dig him..

Submitted MODOK: Ian Zucchino

Ian, visted our inbox again and shared this awesome MODOK artwork with us. He writes:
"Hope everything is holding strong for the home stretch as we approach the last week of March. Just wanted to submit another MODOK inspiration that came up in my sketchbook...This just started out as random MODOK doodle, then evolved into trying to make sense of the chaos. Maybe it's the stress of bills that are expressing through?"

I agree Ian, MODOK is the best stress breaker for when you have bills, or pressing assignments. Furthermore, I think you might just be onto something when you wrote down MODOK CONVOY!... Because, Honestly. No two words in the English language have ever sounded better together in my opinion...

For more of Ian's Awesome work..Scope out his BLOG. Thanks for the contribution and support Ian! You Rock.

Submitted MODOK: Anonymous

A moody, painted MODOK submitted by Anonymous. We love the feeling and desperation in this one. Thank you, mysterious one, for your great contribution to March MODOK Madness 2011!


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Submitted MODOK: Noah Maas

Noah Maas, another returning artist, sends in this MODOK with the following message this year:
You might be asking yourself "What the hell?" and my answer to you is "Nailed it!". See you next year MODOK!

Nailed it, Noah! Thanks for being part of MMM 2011!


Submitted MODOK: Monte Michaelis

Monte returns this year with another great submission, this one bringing MODOK face to face with America's sweetheart, Miickey Mouse. We really dig this bizarre pairing and Mickey has never looked so menacing. Monte is an artist for PopCap Games, as well as posing as Eliot Mechanism. You can also view some great work of his at his blog. Thanks for joining in again this year, Monte, we appreciate your continued support.


Submitted MODOK: Craig Wittler

Craig continues his MODOK campaign with a Pineapple MODOK. Inspired by Joel Watson's web comic HijiNKS ENSUE:
The last one requires some explaining; when the cartoonist behind HijiNKS ENSUE started designing a "hate-filled pineapple" , I realized the similar shape of pineapples and MODOKS but I made the artistic (lazy) decision not to give my pineapple MODOK an angry face. I may reconsider. Stay tooned.

Ah, hate-filled pineapples and MODOK makes one surly combination. Thanks for all your efforts this year, Craig, we have enjoyed your MODOK madness thus far!
