MODOK Madness 2025 continues on!

Sunday, April 1, 2012


March MODOK Madness has officially ended for 2012.
However, it DID have a glorious fifth year. Largely because of all of your posts and support.
I'd like to thank all of our followers, fans, and contributors for helping make this blog great year after year. We make new friends every year, and have even have fans that come back each March to occupy this blog like it was a holiday. Folks are getting excited about the event. It's the perfect way to spice up our otherwise dull month of March, while letting us draw the mental organism that we love so dearly.
We've seen MODOK drawings from artists young and old this year. MODOK images from various corners of the world have come into the Inbox along with messages of excitement and enthusiasm for the blog itself. It's great to read them all and share the work you send in.

Now, every year I have to thank a few people directly. So here I go...
First off, I have to once again all of the artists that got involved. You've given us inspired MODOK drawings, your time, talent, passion, and we appreciate it very much. You guys rule!
Next, I have to send a thank you to Kasra Ghanbari for his continued support of the blog, and for letting us share in his wealth of personally collected MODOK art from people throughout the comic industry.
Finally and most importantly, I want to thank my good friend Brendan Tobin. He introduced me to MODOK. We, made this blog together, and its something I look forward to every March. Thanks Brendan.

Well, that's all that I've got to say.
Congratulations on a Successful March MODOK Madness 2012 everyone!


P.S. If you missed the deadline this year. NO Sweat.. I think he'll be back.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

MODOK For Mantlo

I'm pressed for time so I'm going to throw a quick thank you out to everyone: fans, contributors, people who gave us press, and my co-conspirator Pedro Delgado.  I'll see you all next year!

Above is a piece that I drew for Bill Mantlo, a repaneled piece from The Incredible Hulk #290 (Dec. 1983), written by Bill Mantlo, penciled by Sal Buscema, and inked by Carlos Garzon.


MODOK:Sex Machine

Here's a last minute stab at MODOK, -made for you fresh, and just in time to beat the clock!
Hope everyone enjoyed the Mo's. Here's mine until next year. -Mr.Mr


Here's another quickie MODOKl
He we see him jetting through a Cosmic energy cloud...
Bright colors and lights may be surrounding him but, his face remains frozen in a static state of pure EVIL..

His eyes stare dead ahead while his brow crackles with an upcoming MINDBLAST.


Submitted MODOK: Ryan Dunlavey

Ryan scoured around and found this sketch of MODOK, a la Voltron, which was included in a pitch for a sequel to MODOK: Reign Delay that Marvel published back during the Dark Reign storyline that followed Civil War, etc.  I suggest you all go hunt it down and tell Marvel you want to see the sequel post haste.  Ryan's done work all over and you should check it his stuff at his site.  Thanks, Ryan!  Below, check out his proposal:

PREVIOUSLY:His personal resources depleted, MODOK returned to live at his parent’s home in Erie, Pennsylvania to launch a new plan of world domination. After a series of  botched schemes and humiliations at the hands of people from his past he’s crowned the city’s newest (and only) super hero after defeating “foreign mutant terrorist” Madison Jeffries at the Millcreek Mall.
PART ONE MODOK is being interviewed by a geeky podcast and he's bragging about how everything's going great for him now that he moved back home (total lie) and how he has special armored hover-chairs for every situation: Space Chair, Stealth Chair, Underwater Chair, etc. He hangs up the phone and we pull back to reveal that he's in his sister's old bedroom and the special mission outfits just are a bunch shabby looking of MODOK action figures he made himself. MODOK’S parents come into the room and give a pep talk about how MODOK should be more like his sister - a mediocre student and athlete (the room is covered with her childhood "achievements" - 4th place and honorable mention ribbons, strait C’s on her report card, participatory certificates, etc) - who in their eyes can do no wrong. Dead set on conquering his hometown but out of options, MODOK interviews at a temp agency so he can earn money to hire minions back.
During the interview, MODOK is asked if he has any special abilities. MODOK has a flashback to a school talent show, where a young Georgie Tartleton does a tap-dance routine and gets beat up by the headbanger band that are on next while still on stage. (MODOK doesn't share this info.) They line up a job for him, and as he leaves he bumps into PLANT MAN, now a burnt-out stoner hippie with a lot of big plans to take down "the anti-eco establishment”. Plant Man sees the town as an environmental blight that needs to be "like, cleaned up and made beautiful and stuff". He suggests they team up for a new "Masters of Evil". MODOK quickly realizes how far gone Plant Man is when they talk about it over lunch. "I don't eat food man, all I need is water, soil and plenty of sunlight." 
MODOK works a series of series of crappy dead-end jobs - store mascot, late night copy shop (fired when he tries to photocopy his butt and breaks the machine), climaxing with…
a scene of MODOK in a cheap policeman's halloween costume, sunlasses, boom, box, etc,  about to deliver a strip-o-gram inside an office. "MODOK hears someone has a lot of unpaid parking tickets."
PART TWO Picking up seconds after the last part, screaming workers flee from a dejected, thong-clad MODOK. In the parking lot, a bigger, buffer Plant Man is protesting the businesses inside the office complex for environmental crimes and tries to persuade MODOK to team up with him again but he ignores him. Plant Man has recreated himself with an organic plant-based battle suit, which grows bigger each time we see him as it feeds on the toxins it town while simultaneously driving Plant Man murderously insane. MODOK's next job is as a fast-food worker, the bullies from REIGN DELAY find out are giving him a hard time at the drive-thru "Let me have a caramel sundae with nuts. No wait, SCRATCH the nuts." etc. MODOK's three former minions come in for an awkward encounter. MODOK has saved enough money to hire them again, and while on break tries to convince them to come back, but the restaurant is attacked by a now Hulk-sized Plant Man, who both wants to destroy the restaurant for crimes against plants and for MODOK ignoring him the other day. 
PART THREE MODOK doesn’t want the town he’s trying to take over get destroyed so he has no choice except to fight the giant-sized Plant Man head-on. MODOK changes into his "secret" super hero identity of DARK KNIGHT MAN (a joke on the whole “Dark ___” trend and Night Man, that lame Malibu Comics hero that somehow got a tv show). and tries to stop him but his brain blasts won't work as Plant Man has already fried his own brain with, um, "plants". While trying to survive the Plant Man's rampage (who keeps getting bigger), MODOK convinces his ex minions and the bullies to help him fight by appealing to their naturally violent natures. They help MODOK hotwire his head to 5 cars, and MODOK uses his high-tech/mental powers to transform them into the torso, arms and legs of a giant Voltron-like battle robot, each part piloted by the 3 minions and 2 bullies with MODOK as the head so they can fight the Kong-sized Plant Man hand-to-hand. KA-BOOM!!! 
PART FOUR Plant Man Zilla and MODOKTRON fight throughout Erie, destroying the entire town in the process. In the end MODOK wins but is run out of town for leveling it. The bullies and minions stay in town and start a Mad Max style vigilante gang. With the few bucks left from his temp jobs MODOK moves back to New York, alone, where he answers an ad for a roommate. Final panel: MODOK in his new place with his new room mate, SImon Garth, the Living Zombie. "I hope you're not some kind of neat-freak."


Challengers Assemble!: Ray Wegner

MODOK being a punk.  Ray contributed this piece to Challengers Assemble!, which we're sharing with you here at March MODOK Madness.  Check out Ray's other artwork here.

If you find yourself in Chicago, buy some MODOK at Challengers Comics.

CHALLENGERS Comics + Conversation
1845 N Western Ave 2R 
Chicago, IL 60647

Facebook • ChallengersComics
Twitter • GoChallengersGo
Tumblr • ChallengersComics 

More Challengers Assemble! pieces to come!


Challengers Assemble!: Nelson Flores, Jr.

MODOK blastin' off with some 'tude!  Nelson contributed this piece to Challengers Assemble!, which we're sharing with you here at March MODOK Madness.

If you find yourself in Chicago, buy some MODOK at Challengers Comics.

CHALLENGERS Comics + Conversation
1845 N Western Ave 2R 
Chicago, IL 60647

Facebook • ChallengersComics
Twitter • GoChallengersGo
Tumblr • ChallengersComics 

More Challengers Assemble! pieces to come!


M.O.D.O.K.in' Down the Road


MOJO-DOK from the universe of super evil. Fear HIM!
There have been a few interesting mash up Marvel villains over at March MODOK Madness this year. I'd been stuck on this idea for a while and found a bit of time to do this fun little image... I figured he'd be emerging from an energy portal with his hyper fraculating digital remote controller. Fit for blasting our minds with countless hours of shitty television programing...

Maybe some Toddlers in Tiaras...
Heck even MODOK has a Tiara, but its build for delivering deadly Mindblasts!
"Take that couch potatoes!!" he screams form atop his mechanized spider chair.

Thanks again to everyone for following the blog here at MMM! 2012 is almost over and it has indeed been another good month for MODOK thus far.

Hope yah dig,

Challengers Assemble!: Simon Griiffeth

MODOK just chillin'.  Simon contributed this piece to Challengers Assemble!, which we're sharing with you here at March MODOK Madness.  Check out Simon's other artwork here or follow him on Twitter.

If you find yourself in Chicago, buy some MODOK at Challengers Comics.

CHALLENGERS Comics + Conversation
1845 N Western Ave 2R 
Chicago, IL 60647

Facebook • ChallengersComics
Twitter • GoChallengersGo
Tumblr • ChallengersComics 

More Challengers Assemble! pieces to come!


Submitted MODOK: Monte Michaelis

Hey guys!

Monte from PopCap returns this year with another MODOK image.  Just in the nick of time.  He writes,
 "Still loving' all things Modok.  See you (earlier) next year!"

To view more of Monte's work scope out the following links.
Site: www.eliotmechanism.com
Blog: www.gapingmonte.com

The Line It Is Drawn: Steve Howard

Brian Cronin at CBR's blog Comics Should Be Good graciously allowed for a MODOK week for the feature of The Line It Is Drawn.  All the artists involved really delivered top notch work, as they do every week, and I will be posting them all this week.  A bit about the concept:
So every week, I ask a question here. You reply to it on our Twitter page (just write @csbg with your reply) and our blog sketch artists will each pick one of your suggestions and I will post them here every week. So every week you will have a new question and you will see the choices picked from the previous week. Here is an archive of all the previous editions of The Line It Is Drawn!
therealAstrozac suggested: the cast of Big Bang Theory.  Steve Howard drew this one.  His website is here.


The Line It Is Drawn: Sean McFarland

Brian Cronin at CBR's blog Comics Should Be Good graciously allowed for a MODOK week for the feature of The Line It Is Drawn.  All the artists involved really delivered top notch work, as they do every week, and I will be posting them all this week.  A bit about the concept:
So every week, I ask a question here. You reply to it on our Twitter page (just write @csbg with your reply) and our blog sketch artists will each pick one of your suggestions and I will post them here every week. So every week you will have a new question and you will see the choices picked from the previous week. Here is an archive of all the previous editions of The Line It Is Drawn!
therealAstrozac suggested: Super Mario Brothers.  Sean McFarland drew this one.  His website is here.


The Line It Is Drawn: Phillip Sevy

Brian Cronin at CBR's blog Comics Should Be Good graciously allowed for a MODOK week for the feature of The Line It Is Drawn.  All the artists involved really delivered top notch work, as they do every week, and I will be posting them all this week.  A bit about the concept:
So every week, I ask a question here. You reply to it on our Twitter page (just write @csbg with your reply) and our blog sketch artists will each pick one of your suggestions and I will post them here every week. So every week you will have a new question and you will see the choices picked from the previous week. Here is an archive of all the previous editions of The Line It Is Drawn!
aylorpithers suggested: the cast of Mad Men.  Phillip Sevy drew this one.  His website is here.


Challengers Assemble!: Patrick Brower

This MODOK wields the power of the Starchild!  Patrick contributed this piece to Challengers Assemble!, which we're sharing with you here at March MODOK Madness.  Check out Patrick's other artwork here.

If you find yourself in Chicago, buy some MODOK at Challengers Comics.

CHALLENGERS Comics + Conversation
1845 N Western Ave 2R 
Chicago, IL 60647

Facebook • ChallengersComics
Twitter • GoChallengersGo
Tumblr • ChallengersComics 

More Challengers Assemble! pieces to come!


Challengers Assemble!: Don Cardenas

Exacting revenge for being unliked, Don Cardenas created this MODOK of comeuppance!  Dan contributed this piece to Challengers Assemble!, which we're sharing with you here at March MODOK Madness.  Check out Don's other artwork here.

If you find yourself in Chicago, buy some MODOK at Challengers Comics.

CHALLENGERS Comics + Conversation
1845 N Western Ave 2R 
Chicago, IL 60647

Facebook • ChallengersComics
Twitter • GoChallengersGo
Tumblr • ChallengersComics 

More Challengers Assemble! pieces to come!


Challengers Assemble!: Joe Hausfield

A kissable mental organism from Joe Hausfield!  Hot!  Joe contributed this piece to Challengers Assemble!, which we're sharing with you here at March MODOK Madness.  Check out Joe's other artwork here.

If you find yourself in Chicago, buy some MODOK at Challengers Comics.

CHALLENGERS Comics + Conversation
1845 N Western Ave 2R 
Chicago, IL 60647

Facebook • ChallengersComics
Twitter • GoChallengersGo
Tumblr • ChallengersComics 

More Challengers Assemble! pieces to come!


Annex Art Show: Wayne Quackenbush

Rhode Island is the home Mr. Potatohead.  It is also the home of Wayne Quackenbush.  Wayne is showing some hometown pride with A Mr. Potatohead MODOK, on view in the windows of Annex Comics until the end of May in Newport, RI.  If you're walking down Broadway and have the feeling you're being watched...


The Line It Is Drawn: Yukinori Xum

Brian Cronin at CBR's blog Comics Should Be Good graciously allowed for a MODOK week for the feature of The Line It Is Drawn.  All the artists involved really delivered top notch work, as they do every week, and I will be posting them all this week.  A bit about the concept:
So every week, I ask a question here. You reply to it on our Twitter page (just write @csbg with your reply) and our blog sketch artists will each pick one of your suggestions and I will post them here every week. So every week you will have a new question and you will see the choices picked from the previous week. Here is an archive of all the previous editions of The Line It Is Drawn!
LuciferanHeart suggested: Charlie Sheen.  Yukinori Xum drew this one.  His website is here.


The Line It Is Drawn: Josh Gowdy

Brian Cronin at CBR's blog Comics Should Be Good graciously allowed for a MODOK week for the feature of The Line It Is Drawn.  All the artists involved really delivered top notch work, as they do every week, and I will be posting them all this week.  A bit about the concept:
So every week, I ask a question here. You reply to it on our Twitter page (just write @csbg with your reply) and our blog sketch artists will each pick one of your suggestions and I will post them here every week. So every week you will have a new question and you will see the choices picked from the previous week. Here is an archive of all the previous editions of The Line It Is Drawn!
LuciferanHeart suggested: Charlie Sheen.  Josh Gowdy drew this one.  His website is here.


The Line It Is Drawn: Michael "Mic?" Magtanong

Brian Cronin at CBR's blog Comics Should Be Good graciously allowed for a MODOK week for the feature of The Line It Is Drawn.  All the artists involved really delivered top notch work, as they do every week, and I will be posting them all this week.  A bit about the concept:
So every week, I ask a question here. You reply to it on our Twitter page (just write @csbg with your reply) and our blog sketch artists will each pick one of your suggestions and I will post them here every week. So every week you will have a new question and you will see the choices picked from the previous week. Here is an archive of all the previous editions of The Line It Is Drawn!
LuciferanHeart suggested: Starfire.  Mic? drew this one.  His website is here.
