MODOK Madness 2025 continues on!

Thursday, March 31, 2016


Pencils DOWN!

Another year of MODOKS in March has come and gone, those 31 days seem to get a little shorter every year.  But, they are always fun because MODOK brings in a loyal fan base of genuinely talented folks who are awesome all the way around.  Big thanks to all those who support the blog and visit to share your time, talent, and, artwork with others who'd rather toss around Mindblasts as opposed to some jibber-jabber about brackets.   Your submissions make this blog fun, and I thank you all for that.

Also, tremendous thanks to my blogging cohort (and MODOK mentor) Brendan Tobin who met me in a bar nine years ago when we collectively decided that this would be a fun thing to do with the month of March.  We don't get out the bar as much as we used to, but we've more then made up for it by becoming bearded, and strikingly handsome.  Thanks again for another year of MODOK buddy.

Not much else to say.  I've got ice cubes to retrieve and scotch to pour.
Thanks again everyone.

Mindblasts to the LAST!


Submitted MODOK: Monte Michaelis

The mighty Monte continues his ongoing devotion to MODOK and writes,
Greetings once again!
This is Monte, back for what (I think) is my sixth year. I'm the Creative Director at Geocaching now, and though my job titles may change, my love for March MODOK Madness never will.
I'm coming in real close to the deadline this year, but life has been crazy. I'll do better in 2017!
As always thanks to Mr. Michaelis for his support.  We also invite you to check out his website: www.thisismonte.com.

March is for MODOKS,

Submitted MODOK: Lar DeSouza

This anguished mental organism was recently tweeted out by the man known as @lartist.  Always good to have you aboard, Lar!


MODOK Takes On The Hulk!

MODOK employs his giant robot armor to put down the Hulk!  Woop!

Thus ends another March MODOK Madness year, a quiet, calm one this go around, but one filled with many mighty MODOKs as well!  I had fun and hope you did as well.  Much thanks to my annual partner in the madness, Pedro Delgado.  Thanks for taking the editorial and bloggery reins as much as you do each year!  You rock.

Thanks to all of you for your ongoing support these past 9 (NINE!) years.  I'll see you all next March!


Submitted MODOK: The Brothers Lienard

Closing out the month with a bang!  Adrian Lienard sent this along:
Please enjoy MODOK WINS. You can download the game here https://slyshand.itch.io/modok-wins it is absolutely free, and it is a single .exe that you can run on Windows. Modok can't lose, Modok always wins. He destroys his enemies with ease and sits upon his throne waiting to continue doing battle another day. I also made a blogspot dedicated to the game http://modokwins.blogspot.com/ that has some of the in-game sprites that you can see more clearly.
 MODOK in his very own 8-Bit game, whoopin' butt and takin' names!  This is beyond cool!  First, go play the game and visit the game's blog!  And then, check out what the Lienards get into on their own sites:

Adrian Lienard: http://slyshand.deviantart.com/

Sebastian (sebasebs) Lienard: http://sebasebs.tumblr.com/



Submitted MODOK: Julien Koetsch

Julien visited the inbox with this tidbit of animated MODOK goodness.  He writes,
Sorry to be down to the wire, but I hope this makes is in!
What can I say... he's having a blast!
We couldn't agree more March MODOK Madness 2016 has been a blast.  Now let's bring it home!
Be sure to check out more of Julien's work over @ julien.koetsch.com/.


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Submitted MODOK: Sebs

Here is a terrifying combination of R-Mika and Modok. 
The Superheroic sentient lifeform known as Sebs has sent us this Street Fighter spiced slice of awesome and writes,
March has been super busy this year almost didn't make one this year.
Have a good 2016,
So don't be shy check out some more art work from Sebs @ http://sebasebs.tumblr.com/
Or follow him on twitter @sebasebsebs

Thanks for the support Sebs!


Submitted MODOK: Seggiepants

A thoughtful MODOK fan by the name of Seggiepants sent us this MODOK and writes,
Attached is something I drew for your blog for March MODOK Madness. I hope I am not too late to enter.  Thanks for providing all the cool MODOK fun every year. I always enjoy seeing everyones cool art.

No worry Mr. Pants we love MODOK and are happy to spread him around.  Also, you can see more work from the artist who calls himself seggiepants, at his website www.segludian.com.

Keep on MINDBLASTING everyone!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Submitted MODOK: John Douglas

"Move that football, and you get a MINDBLAST.  Fair warning."

John sent us this Peanuts inspired MODOK and goes on to write:
Greetings! :-)
Here's another submission to March M.O.D.O.K. Madness for 2016--This time, it is with apologies to Charles M. Schultz! After all, Charlie Brown is the O.G. big-headed kid and sort of resembles a certain big-headed Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing. If the mechano-chair fits...
John has also asked that we attach, a plug to his modest art site @: http://johndouglasart.blogspot.com/



Submitted MODOK: Robert Hack

Robert returns for a deuce this year with MODOK in Repose, as seen on his Twitter feed.  Mild-mannered gentleman MODOK in deep reflection within the hallowed walls of his stately study.  Quite.

Check out more of Robert's work at http://roberthack.deviantart.com/ and be sure to check out the Archie Horror series The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina he is currently working on!


Monday, March 28, 2016


Final Monday of March 2016, and I almost missed it.

Keep on Mindblastin' for the last couple days of March MODOK Madness 2016!

Thanks everybody!

Submitted MODOK: Kevin Garcia


Found on twitter and presented here for you now: Presidential candidates as MODOKs!  And you thought the election was terrifying before...

Kevin writes an amazing blog about his passion for history and mythology and it's permeation in popular culture (like comic books!) over at Monomythic.  Go check it out.  Now.


Submitted MODOK: Rob McDaniel

Rob sculpts a mean looking MODOK regardless of the scale.  He writes,
I returned to clay sculpting this year, but he's a bit smaller than my entry for 2011. This bite-size MODOK is perched on a stack of quarters to show his scale.
After colorizing 18 frames for the turnaround I decided that was good enough.
Thanks for hosting another month of MODOK-ian appreciation.
Also, scope out more slick sculptures and awesome artwork from Mr. McDaniel over at www.cgmutant.com.


Sunday, March 27, 2016

Submitted MODOK: Tom Kelly

MODOK Circuit Breaker
Tom Kelly joins us yet again for a year of MODOK art in march and writes.
Just me Illustrator Tom Kelly attached is my submission to your blog and I hope you can use it on your site. I have always been a MODOK fan mainly because he is so bananas crazy of a concept.
This version of MODOK I did a very TRON inspired concept, much like the MCP in the Tron digital word that's how I see this version of MODOK. He's a powerful Ai that wants to rule cyberspace as well as the physical world, so this MODOK is a MAchine. Organisim. Digitally designed, Only for. Killing. enjoy!
If you'd like to scope out more work from the mind of Mr. Kelly just head on over to WWW.Tomkellyart.deviantart.com.

March is for MINDBLASTS,

Submitted MODOK: MOTHbot

Totes M.O.Goat.
The mighty MOTHbot returns with his most recent MODOK offering of 2016 and writes,
Another MODOK for March.
Down at the AIM farm, they've been busy with more experiments and making super intelligent, mind-blasting farm animals. Just like this M.O.Goat. He's more likely to save the mind-blasting for some other time, and just knock a SHIELD agent out with a swift headbutt. Unfortunately he often faints when startled.   Happy March
As always you can keep up with the art of MOTHbot art by checking him out at http://mothbot.deviantart.com/.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Submitted MODOK: Joshua Kahan

Trump Modok Madness
Joshua RETURNS, with another MODOK post in this election year.  He's even managed to slip and more dangerous and deranged mind and face into that hover chair.
As always you can dig deeper into Joshua's work visit him at his website, blog or youtube channel.

March is for MINDBLASTS!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Submitted MODOK: Legion McRae

The mental organism designated as Legion sent us this snappy little MODOK collage and writes,
Hi There,
Here's a little cutup I've been sitting on since last year. Waiting.
Hope you like it. 
Thanks again Legion for the ongoing MODOK support.
Fill March with MINDBLASTS!


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Submitted MODOK: Darryl Young

"F.O.D.O.K.: Frankenstein Organism Designed Only for Killing". Hope you like it!
Darryl joins us from the mean mid-western outskirts of Chicago where he practices his trade in animation and illustration industries.  Heck, he even does a dash of toy design for good measure.

He writes,
Hello Fellow M.O.D.O.K.-ians,

Darryl Young here, long time fan, first time contributor. You can find my work on Facebook, instagram, and Etsy. Thanks for keeping the memory of our favorite big headed monstrosity alive! 
Not a problem Mr. Young. We're stoked that you joined us this March and thank you for keeping the lights on with this miraculous Mindblast of MODOK art.


Monday, March 21, 2016


I'm guilty of spending a part of my weekend watching the second season of DareDevil, and MODOK strongly disapproves of my disloyalty.  So, in order to avoid a swift demise, and make amends for my transgretion. I'm submitting this MONDAY NIGHT MINI PAINT based on a felt tip pen sketch of the MENTAL MASTER.  I also, had to make pancakes for dinner. They were pretty tasty.

March needs MINDBLASTS!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Submitted MODOK: Tim Briscoe

"MODOK-ter Evazan” (Star Wars)
Tim sent us this Brilliant Star Wars inspired MODOK, and informed us that we'd have "the death sentence on twelve systems" if we didn't post up the image.  So we did, because March need MODOK!

Scope out more of Tim's work over at dagoblah.com. 

Just watch yourself MODOK friends, Mindblasts are coming.

Submitted MODOK: Tom Clifford

Raymond Burr as Ironside + MODOK= Burr-Dok!
Tom has been busy with his MODOK contributions this MARCH, and we couldn't be happier.
Granted, he titled the email as "Last one, I promise!"  We hope that the muse of MODOK continues to push his creativity forward.  Send us all the MODOK you want Tom, we'll post um.

March needs MODOK,

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Submitted MODOK: Robert Hack

Robert posted this TrumpDOK on Twitter and we had to include it here!  Trump's been blowing up the political scene lately and we assumed we would be flooded with his likeness on the blog this year.  Here's our first and magnificently done as well!

Check out more of Robert's work at http://roberthack.deviantart.com/ and be sure to check out the Archie Horror series The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina he is currently working on!


The Ghanbari Collection: Bob Layton

Bob Layton, who did an amazing, iconic run on Iron Man, drew this great cover featuring an Iron MODOK!  That's quite the score, Kasra!  Thanks for sharing!

Bob Layton's website: http://www.boblayton.com/
Kasra Ghanbari's MODOK collection: http://www.comicartfans.com/


Friday, March 18, 2016

Submitted MODOK: Tom Kelly

Illustrator Tom Kelly submits this outrageous Miz MODOK and writes:
MODOK is such a crazy character and in the past I have do one of the different varieties: evil, silly, goofy, sinister... so for this one I did a gender swap and did Miz MODOK.  I know I should call her MODAM but this one really is in a much more Miz MODOK vein.  I made the illustration using the vector program Adobe Illustrator CS6 with my Wacom tablet.   Hope she made you chuckle.  Thanks!
We did chuckle, many thanks to you, Tom! You can see more of Illustrator Tom Kelly's work at  http://tomkellyart.deviantart.com/


Submitted MODOK: Bitten Bolvig Hansen

Bitten Bolvig Hansen sends us this awesome TMNT submission and writes:
Greetings from Denmark!  My MODOK-loving boyfriend, Henning Larsen, has wrecked his hand and can't draw...  So I'm dedicating these turtles to him: They're Teenage MODOK* Ninja Turtles!
*Mutant Organism Design Only for Karate

Thanks for stepping up and a speedy recovery to long time contributor Henning Larsen!  Check out more of Bitten's antics at www.academiccomics.com.


Thursday, March 17, 2016

Darby O'DOK!

His Guinness farts would soon lay waste to cities large and small.
Happy St. Paddy's Day all,

Celebrate this seventeenth safely if you plan on partying.  Also be sure to make some damn MODOK art.  Seriously, March is over halfway spent already.


Happy St. Patrick's Day!

My annual Banshee/MODOK team-up returns as we wish you a happy St. Patrick's Day!  Sláinte.


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Submitted MODOK: John Douglas

John Douglas sends us a second submission, a depiction of "the last thing you can expect to see just before M.O.D.O.K. mindblasts you into oblivion!"  Beauty!
Check out more of John's work at http://johndouglasart.blogspot.com/!

Thanks for taking part of MMM2016, John!


Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Imperius Rex!

Sub-Mariner takes on MODOK's androids!


Submitted MODOK: Marc Lapierre

Mr. Lapierre just adorned his property with this Fine MODOK image and we're pretty sure his neighborhood aught to take notice.  He writes,
I wanted to send along a contribution to this year's MMM. I've done a few in the past and always have fun drawing MODOK. This time I drew him in chalk on my driveway while playing with my kids today.
Marc also requested that we point folks to visit him on his Instagram or Twitter pages or check out his Facebook page.  Marc has a lot of cool stuff going on, so go there now.

Thanks again for the ongoing support in March there Marc, may MODOK always grace your driveway while increasing your property value.


Monday, March 14, 2016


It's Monday Night.  Do you know where your MODOK is at?
MODOK Marches into week two now, and we've had a great turnout of artwork from many MODOK fans.

Rigth now I am working on some other side projects, but felt the urge to maintain my mantra MONDAY night paints.  This was a pencil sketch that I tackled with some photoshop painting technique I'm trying out.

Hope you dig it.

Keep on Mindblasting,

Submitted MODOK: Mothbot

The malevolent MOTHBOT returns with more MODOK for March!  He writes,
During a vacation in the South Pacific, I came across some classified paperwork given to me by a madman who smelled like fish. It told about something called Project R’lyeh. An under-sea AIM base where a subject listed as “Tarleton” was transformed into a monstrous beast. Something called a MODOK;  A “Miskatonic Old-one Dreaming Only of Khaos”.  I’ve enclosed a picture of what the beast supposedly looked like, but all who have gazed upon him were supposedly driven to insanity. And made to smell like fish…
Happy Mind Blasting
More MOTHbot artwork is on display over at http://mothbot.deviantart.com/. 


Sunday, March 13, 2016

Submitted MODOK: Rick Schmitz

The masterful Mr. Schmitz joins our merry month of MODOK madness with this post from Germany.  Yes, MODOK is indeed a global force for inspiring artistic creativity.  Rick writes,
Hey there!  I have another MODOK for you this year!  This one is extra wide and he appears to be making a point.
Point taken Rick, MODOK cannot be ignored.
Please feel free to check out more work from Rick Schmitz you can find more of his handiwork at www.rickschmitz.com



Submitted MODOK: Tom Clifford

NOMOK.  He came from outer space to drop MINDBLASTS!
Hot on the heels of his earlier Bowie themed MODOK.  Tom returns, with this MODOK sized tribute to fellow Starman Klaus Nomi.


Saturday, March 12, 2016

Submitted MODOK: Joshua Kahan

Joshua sent us this slick looking cartoon MODOK and writes,
I don't have any particular text in mind, I'll let the people decide why this particular MODOK is coming at them eyes bulging and tongue flailing. I would never dare to assume. 
So, if anyone is crazy enough to dig deeper into Joshua's work visit him at his website, blog or youtube channel.

You'll be mindblasted if you don't.
Keep enjoying March!


Friday, March 11, 2016

Submitted MODOK: Poug Dederson

Poug visited our blogs inbox from his home planet of twitter.  He writes,
"I present to you - PODOK! He will be the Philadelphia Eagles Supreme Ruler this coming season! ALL HAIL PODOK!"
Huge thanks for joining in on the March MODOK Merriment this year Poug!

MODOK Versus Cap

Depiction of an epic showdown.


Submitted MODOK: Gavin de Lint

 Gavin sent us this fantastic awkward adolescent MODOK and writes,
"Some of the meaner kids at AIM called him MODORK. Being a teen is tough, even when you're a mechanism designed only for killing.
Thanks!  Always fun to draw MODOK!"
You can see more of Gavin's work at his website, www.gavin.delint.ca or his instagram, www.instagram.com/delintartdesign/"

Many thanks for the submission Gavin!


Thursday, March 10, 2016


Here's a another MODOK from earlier this year!  This one was featured in Comics Should Be Good's The Line It Is Drawn, week 263 at comicbookresources.com.


Submitted MODOK: Sommerjam

The organism known as Sommerjam set his sights upon the villainous one known as MODOK for one (two!) of his daily stick figure doodle challenges!  Oh, anemic MODOK, you have never looked so grand!

Check out more of Sommerjam's madness at his twitter and instagram pages.  Thank you for sharing, Sommerjam!


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Submitted MODOK: Tom Clifford

MODOK played guitar...
Tom slipped this fantastic Bowie-style MODOK into our inbox, and we are super happy to share it here on the blog.  Now that I think about it, I'm also relatively certain that MODOK would have gotten along splendidly with the Spiders from Mars.

Many thanks for the contribution Mr. Clifford!

So, please continue jamming good everyone! and enjoy the March MODOK Madness!