I also realized that we haven't really explored MODOK....the Lover. Till now its just been KILL KILL KILL. So I figured we needed a little SEX SEX SEX....
Here she is a little closer.
Drawing a sexy MODAM was hard. But I like the result......NOT "LIKE" LIKE but, it turned out well. Also, ignore my wacky frame on this one....just playing around. little more time and I might have rendered out Modok in color....OH well. ON TO TOMORROW. 12 more days.
Actually, that is the hottest MODAM I've ever seen. She is quite a fugly character, like MODOK's butch sister who fell out of a car onto her face or something. But if you ask me, I'm more of a Ms. MODOK/Kate Waynesboro kinda guy....
What part of "mental organism designed only for killing" don't you get...... He has no time for loving. He can only kill. That's what he's designed for. If he got a little MODAM nookie he may chill out a little. Do any of us really want that?
While that may be true, good doctor, I heard he has a little bit of time on Sundays to do laundry.
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