So, as a special treat Kasra Ghanbari, a great friend to the blog proposed we post something truly awesome.
And so we proudly present....MARILYN MONROEDOK!

He writes:
"Hey, I've been saving this one for something special, real special. I've only shown this piece to maybe 10 people ever and each time, I've given them this warning. "There's your life before viewing this piece, and your life after. Are you sure you want to see it?"
Of course, they all said yes, so consider yourself warned.
This Image is the handywork of artist Geof Isherwood, who's info is below. It's based on the famous 1949 calendar photo session with Marilyn Monroe, info here:
She's Topless in this image and ridiculously beautiful, so if you can't handle that, don't go clicking this link....
Do you think its too much?
Strangely enough, At least half the guys who've orginally viewed this ended up using it as their computer wallpaper. Strangely sick...and oh so right.
Thanks again for all your support Kasra.
We here at the blog agree, its MODOK-TASTIC!
Artist: Geof Isherwood
Web Site:
From the collection of Kasra Ghanbari
This image is AWESOME, and I don't care if that makes me sound strange...
The rendering is Sooo nice..
look at that hand... and the colors..
It just moved a little bit after seeing that image. Yikes.
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