MODOK Madness 2025 continues on!

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Marvel Two-In-One! And Goodbye!

Another year at March MODOK Madness is done!  A big thanks goes to all the people who submitted pieces, everyone who helped spread the word, and fans of MODOK everywhere.  It's you who makes this weird annual thing worth doing.

A huge thank you to my MMM partner, Pedro Delgado, for all the heavy lifting and ever vigilant watch on the inbox.  On top of all that, you produced so many tasty MODOKs.  You rock.

Here's an homage to the cover of Marvel Two-In-One 81, originally by Ron Wilson and Chic Stone.

See you next year!  Stay healthy and safe!


March MODOK Madness 2020...

....and exhale.

Whelp, this will be my last MODOK post here for 2020. Oddly enough, it's also the first MODOK I drew this year. Sketched in on a lunch break back in early February, and it's really amazing that this one month has felt like a year already. Strange days indeed.

Once again, I want to thank Brendan (my old battlefield brother in arms) for keeping this blog going with me for another year, when the distraction was most appreciated. He cranked out a mountain of marvelous drawings, and had them ready to go at the drop of a hat. I also wish to thank all the artists who shared their talent, time, and submissions with us. You put the mindblasts into March, year after year, and I can't thank you enough.

In closing, I'll take another deep breath here and move forward one day at a time. I hope that you all do the same, so that we can congregate again next year for more MODOK appreciation and artwork. Til then, please stay safe. Keep making things, and take care of yourselves out there.

Viva la Mindblasts,

Wrapping up 2020 Mindblasts

Hey all,

This is another quick little MODOK for the end of the Month. Really spectacular turnout this year amidst all the strangeness. Please take care out there and be well.


Submitted MODOK: Charlotte Fish

This lovely piece comes to us from David Fish, who submits it for his talented daughter, Charlotte!  It's a showdown between MODOK and Thanos that has MODOK is saying, "Your power is to[o] weak for I MODOK" to Thanos, who is saying "Oh, cheese!"

Oh cheese, indeed!  You're in for it now, Thanos!

Thank you, David and Charlotte!


Submitted MODOK:Nick Butch

Fellow Liner, Nick Butch, at CBR's feature The Line It Is Drawn sends in this great piece.  If you know Butch's work, you know he has an affinity for, if not obsession with, Quantum Leap.  Here's his Sam Beckett piece, whose acronym is Modified Organism Designed Only for Killing, But Electing to Caancel Killing and Electing to Change Things for the Better!  I love it!

Thanks, Nick!


Submitted MODOK: Xadek Julius

This beauty showed up in our Facebook page's inbox a few days ago and I missed it.  So sorry, Xadek!  Love the MODOK and thanks for your submission!


Submitted MODOK: RD

Another one from RD:
All right, here's one more for this year:

Another MODOK mash-up: Millie the MODOK.
And also an alternate version.

/Based on this cover of Millie the Model:

Okay, that's it for me, guys.
Thanks for the opportunity, and see you next year!
Nice!  Thanks for all your contributions this year, RD!


Submitted MODOK: John Douglas

A returning John Douglas gives us this gem, a worn-out MODOK taking a well deserved nap!  John writes:
Well, here's the last submission for March M.O.D.O.K. Madness for 2020. Alas, M.O.D.O.K. is too exhausted to Mindblast anymore for the month and needs a nap. I know the feeling!
I just wanna take a moment to thank y'all for the opportunity to play along. It almost fills that spot from a couple previous fun art Blogs I used to play on: Covered (recreating comic book covers) and Repaneled (recreating comic book panels).

I look forward to next year--and may have to do something to **REALLY** up my game!
And here's the usual link to my nonsense and shenanigans:
Thanks so much for all your contributions, John!


Submitted MODOK: Filipe Homem Fonseca

We get some more work from Filipe Homem Fonseca this year and he writes:

Hello there.  Hope everybody’s ok and in good health!  I couldn’t let this March Madness end without sending you guys these two M.O.D.O.K.s, one promoting the necessary social distance in this dire moment in our lifes, and another just for the cuteness of it.  Thank you for celebrating MODOK!  See you next year!  Stay strong, stay safe!  All hail MODOK!

Topical piece, Filipe!  Thanks for your submission!


iPad MODOK 15

The drawing of the MODOKs on an iPad, using Procreate.  Here's the last one of the year!


Monday, March 30, 2020

Just a Mini MODOK Monday_005

Five Mondays up, five Mondays down.

So, as this crazy month draws to a close, I'm gonna take a hot minute to reflect on how nice it's been to share MODOK artwork with you all, and have this place as a creative outlet. I will endeavor to carry this momentum into my personal work for the coming months, but really feel like March has been an excellent catalyst.

On that note, let's bring this all home tomorrow with some mighty Mindblasts to be remembered.
The last day of March MODOK Madness 2020 begins in thirty minutes.

Muchos Mindblasts,

Submitted MODOK: Ryan Dunlavey

Ryan Dunlavey cranked out this beauty and reminds us: never get between a MODOK and his pancakes!  You will not fare well!

You may remember Ryan's work from Marvel's MODOK: Reign Delay comic from a few years ago, so you know he knows MODOK.  If you want to see more of Ryan's work, check out his site and twitter.

Thanks, Ryan!


Submitted MODOK: John Douglas

The mental organism known as John Douglas has had a very productive month of MODOK Submissions here in 2020. Why, just yesterday he sent us this image along with an email that goes a little something like this,
John's Brain: John!  Hey, John, wake up!
John: Hmmama... wha-mbmbbb... [Snores]
John's Brain: WAKE UP!
John: HuhWha--?  Immuppp... I'm up!
John's Brain: Y'know those tangerines you bought yesterday?
John: Yeah...?
John's Brain: Well, if you cut out the front section, I bet you can make it look like M.O.D.O.K.'s face.  Just Photoshop some eyes and digitally paint the front a bit and you can submit it to March M.O.D.O.K. Madness!
John: [Long pause]  That's... [Another long pause]  Truly, that's gotta be one of the dumbest things you've ever sent my way, Brain.
John's Brain: Yeah, I know...
John: Well, it ain't gonna submit itself!  Let's do it, NOW!  [Leaps out of bed and races to the kitchen.]
So, this submission is a literal tangerine which I cut out to look like M.O.D.O.K., and then imported into Photoshop for a bit of digital chicanery.  The background is a photo I took of the interior of an old computer I had laying around (and should have taken to the Recycle Center a while ago now that I think about it), which was also imported and modified in Photoshop. The accuracy of that conversation in my head is both a sad and shocking glimpse into my life...

All good John, we applaud your resourcefulness during these trying times and that "Inspirational Honesty" attitude of your inner monologue is much appreciated. We'll also very happily share this link to your other works at https://johndouglasart.blogspot.com/.

Take care and keep Mindblasting in these final days of March 2020, everyone.

Submitted MODOK: Keith Vincent

Mental Organism Designed Only to... Emote?  You better believe it!  Choose a depiction of your feelings with MODOK emojis and share it with your grandma, who still doesn't understand how to text!  These guys are crafted by Keith Vincent in his third appearance this year!

You can follow Keith's antics on Instagram and check out his work on his site.

Thanks, Keith!


iPad MODOK 14

The drawing of the MODOKs on an iPad, using Procreate.  Hopefully these get better as the month goes on!


Sunday, March 29, 2020

Sunday Night_MODOK_003

BONUS ADDITION! With only two days left I am trying to get out a final few submissions for the year. Hope you dig.

March is for MODOK,

A Sunday Night MODOK approaches.....

Across the scroching wastes this MODOK approaches, his mindblasts a hotter then a thousand suns.
This year has been really good for doing little paintings and color studies. I hope you've been enjoying the posts and that you are taking care out there.

March is for MODOK,

Submitted MODOK: John Douglas

I've lost track, but the manic MODOK mimeograph machine known as John Douglas sends in his most recent manga-inspired masterpiece!  He writes:
Hey, it's another March M.O.D.O.K. Madness submission! This time, M.O.D.O.K. appears to have had too much MANGA-nese in his diet. Ugh, I'll show myself out after that one...
Hey, it's okay John. We are all laughing on this side.  I promise!

Check out more of John's work here.


Submitted MODOK: RD

RD returns and writes:
Humpty Dumpty MODOK. Based on Sir John Tenniel's fantastic illustration for "Alice Through the Looking-Glass", and as a bonus feature, it also includes (since there was that huge empty space on the right side) the classic nursery rhyme as rewritten by my sister and me.
Nice work, guys!   MODOK seems right at home in the Looking Glass environment!  And as a bonus: a premiere sketch by RR found on Twitter!


Submitted MODOK: Keith Vincent

Forget Mega Man!  If you want maximum firepower when taking on a boss, you call in the pixelated power of MODOK Man!

You can follow Keith's antics on Instagram and check out his work on his site.

Thanks, Keith!


Saturday, March 28, 2020


Last Saturday evening of March 2020 and I'll post this study of our favorite Mental organism as he navigates the frozen wastes. His stare is icier than any glacier, and he is not to be trifled with. Please continue to take care out there one and all. Will see you here again tomorrow.

May your Mindblasts be many,

Submitted MODOK: Keith Vincent

We got us this awesome video from the likes of Keith Vincent, longtime friend of the blog.  Keith created this theme song for our very own Mr. MODOK.  Little known fact, MODOK is a multi-faceted type of mental organism.  He's a famous music video star!  They say he's really big in Japan!

You can follow Keith's antics on Instagram and check out his work on his site.

Thanks, Keith!


Submitted MODOK: RD

The mental organism known only as RD hit up our inbox with this 2020 submission and writes,

Hello there, once again!

In the last few years, Marvel gave us a whole bunch of elder versions of fan-favourite characters - Old Man Logan, Old Man Hawkeye, Old Man Quill.. And I thought: why not OLD MAN MODOK?
I agree, MODOK is both timeless and ageless. I could imagine him at many an early bird dinner special. Be sure to visit more of RD's work over @https://vanezigy.blogspot.com/
Also be sure to take care and stay safe out there everyone.

Keep on Mindblasting!

Saturday Morning MODAM!

G'morning all,

Here's a MODAM image to kick off the weekend. I imagine she's going out to hurl a few Mindblasts on the dance floor. Have a safe weekend, and take care. I must now quest for coffee.

March is for MODAM,

Friday, March 27, 2020

Friday Night Hypno-Doc!

Here's a MODOK loosing his marbles in some photoshop Twirl effects. Hopefully, you are all keeping a cool head and taking care out there.

May your Mindblasts be mighty,

iPad MODOK 13

The drawing of the MODOKs on an iPad, using Procreate.  Hopefully these get better as the month goes on!


Thursday, March 26, 2020


The last Thursday evening of the month here deserves a MODOK image. So, I'll post this one up. Take care out there and I'll post again tomorrow.

Mindblasts all March long,

iPad MODOK 12

The drawing of the MODOKs on an iPad, using Procreate.  Hopefully these get better as the month goes on!


Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Mid Week MODOK_003

Here's a little MODOK for a very quiet Wednesday evening. Drawing and painting these has been an important part of recent days and I hope you've enjoyed checking them out. Take care out there everybody.

Make mine MODOK,

Submitted MODOK: Filipe Homem Fonseca

Filipe returns to the blog with his second submission of the 2020 season! Proving that one Mindblast is never enough he writes,
Hello there,
Hope everything is alright with you in these dreadful times.
Here’s a little M.O.D.O.K. to help cheer things up.
We shall overcome! Stay safe!
And hail M.O.D.O.K.
Big thanks to Mr. Fonseca for sharing his artwork and kind words be sure to scope out more of his work over @: http://instagram.com/salvoerro. I'll also take a second to echo Filipe's earlier sentiment and ask that you all stay safe out there.

Peace, Love, and Mindblasts,

Submitted MODOK: Rich Rayburn

This fine MODOK image was commissioned by Sean Dellis. Sean is incredibly generous to share this artwork from his collection with the blog and writes,
I've been following Modok Madness for a few years and it's a joy when March rolls around. 
Sean also mentioned that he enjoys the Modok / Banshee drawings that Brendan cooks up here on every March. I agree, Brendan does fun drawings. Per Sean's request we will also add a link to Rich Rayburn's Instragram account over @ https://www.instagram.com/richieraygun/.

Big thanks to Sean for sharing Rich's work, and for helping to keep March full of MODOK in 2020.
March is for MODOK!

iPad MODOK 11

The drawing of the MODOKs on an iPad, using Procreate.  Hopefully these get better as the month goes on!


Tuesday, March 24, 2020

In a MODOK mood.

Was in the mood for some MODOK here after a long day. Drew this in colored pencil (seems like ages since I last used a Col-Erase pencil) and hit it with some Photoshop.  Might paint a little more and set up a few more posts, really trying to get better with color and lighting. It's really nice to have the distraction here these days and hope that you are all well as we head into the final Seven days of March.

Hang in there and keep Mindblasting,

Submitted MODOK: Darryl Young

Here's that other image Darryl sent to the inbox recently. Finding two submissions in one email was a nice little treat for an otherwise dull, rainy day indoors. Totally digging this Mary Shelley inspired MODOK type creature. Enjoying that grimace on his face as he's summoned to life by some AIM Beekeepers. Kinda wish there was some lightning and thunder while I type this, set the mood.

So stop, drop and roll on over to https://www.facebook.com/diddle.liddle to have a look at Darryl's other artistic output.

With Mindblasts for all,

Submitted MODOK: Darryl Young

I was most delighted to find two submissions from Darryl in our MODOK Mailbox, and am very happy to share them along. This button for MODOK's 2020 Presidential run gets my vote, that smiling MODOK put me in a real good mood.

I'm gonna post the other image here in a few hours. But for now, you can check out more of Darryl's artwork at https://www.facebook.com/diddle.liddle

Cast your ballots and some Mindblasts!

iPad MODOK 10

The drawing of the MODOKs on an iPad, using Procreate.  Hopefully these get better as the month goes on!


Monday, March 23, 2020

Mini_MODOK Monday_004

With just one more Monday left in this month of March, I figured I'd share this cute little MODOK drawing. But, don't be fooled by the soulful eyes. He's definitely gonna mercilessly mindblast some marvel heroes, and possibly some marvel villians for good measure.

Wishing you all the best here as we kick off our final full week of March MODOK Madness 2020. Don't wait till the last minute if you want to get involved, because when we hit Day 31 we will be done till next year.

Many Mindblasts,

Submitted MODOK: John Hazard

Good Monday afternoon everyone! We received this action packed submission along with the following message that reads,
John Hazard is the illustrator and (with his Imzadi Lisa Burdige) co-author & creator of Background Noise, a (almost) daily diary comic about our real-life love, likes, and struggles in the gig economy (and in the Coronavirus outbreak!). Follow us on Instagram and Webtoons and support us on Patreon!
Take care out there everybody, and keep on Mindblasting,

iPad MODOK 09

The drawing of the MODOKs on an iPad, using Procreate.  Hopefully these get better as the month goes on!


Sunday, March 22, 2020

Sunday Night MODOK_002

Sitting here with a nice cup of tea, and some MODOK artwork on another quiet evening indoors at the ol' apartment. Had a pleasant dinner and now I'm just trying to wrap my mind around the week ahead, so that I can blast said week. I'll likely have a slew of additional posts from my sketchpad and will continue to keep on top of incoming posts when time allows.

So, don't wait till the last minute if you wanna join in the MODOK Madness this year. Because when we hit March 31 we'll be done till next year.

Muchos Mindblasts,

Submitted MODOK: John Douglas

John sure has been keeping the inbox busy this March, and we couldn't be happier to share his sixth (Yep, that's one half dozen MODOKs strong.) submission of the 2020 season. Mr. Douglas writes,
I hope everyone's doing well.  It's yet another bit of spam from Yours Truly!  This time it was just a doodle while playing with Art Set 4, a new App (for me) I was trying out on Ye Olde iPad.
And I didn't even bother giving him arms and legs in this one--just a floating, rocket head.  So, there's that...
More soon!
Really digging the textures in this image, and it is making me think about what a flexible character MODOK is. It's a genuine treat to see all the different interpretations of this Kirby classic every year.

We'll also attach the usual link to John's work at https://johndouglasart.blogspot.com/

Keep on Mindblastin',

Submitted MODOK: C

"Modok is everywhere, even in the creative minds of this middle schooler."
The mental organism known as Oobust has submitted to the blog previously with his own artwork. But last year he also sent us this MODOK which was created by one of his students, who I will be calling "C" for the sake of privacy. True, the post came in a little later than the submission deadline for 2019, but we are honored to share artwork from this young Virginia based MODOK fan.

Many thanks to "C' for sharing and creating this artwork about the legendary Modok. We supremely appreciate your efforts.

Keep on Mindblasting and stay safe,

Submitted MODOK: Jules Koestch

Jules returns to the blog with this second submission of the 2020 season, because one good Mindblast deserves another. Big thanks to Mr. Koestch for the continued support and for sharing the artwork.

Check out more work from Jules here.

Mindblast all March long,

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Saturday Evening MODOK_003

Good Saturday Evening MODOK fans and blog cohorts!

Three weeks down for March 2020 and the submissions have been a welcome distraction for me here. It's also nice to sit and sketch/paint out my own MODOK images, very relaxing. So, I'll share this one today and hurry off to make some more for tomorrow and the coming final weeks. Take care out there.

Mindblasts all March long,

Submitted MODOK: John Douglas

The mental organism known as John sent us his fifth MODOK of the 2020 season. This A.I.M approved public service announcement for health and safety is perfectly suited to all things MODOK. Short arms, Check. Mindblasting Bee-keepers, Check. Limitless information in that big ol' noggin, Double Check. John even went so far as to add the info for CDC/WHO at the bottom of the comic, so that you too can be super informed and take the best care of yourselves.

You can see more work form Mr. Douglas over at  https://johndouglasart.blogspot.com/.

Draw Mindblasts & Stay safe out there,

Friday, March 20, 2020

Firday Night MODOK_003

Hola Friends!

Just winding down on a quiet Friday evening with a MODOK post. The weekend ahead will be busy but, I will make sure I hammer out some new MODOK images for the coming week.  Take care all, and continue to be excellent human beings.

March is always better with Mindblasts,

Submitted MODOK: Jules Koetsch

Jules sent this charming lil' MODOK submission to the inbox and writes,
Hey y’all,
Here’s a little modok I whipped up in procreate. 
Keep on mind blasting!
Many thanks for the submission Jules! We appreciate a good mind-blast these days and are most thankful for your contribution to this year's month long event. If you'd like to see more work from Mr. Koetsch, feel free to visit him here.

March is for MODOK,