MODOK Madness 2025 starts soon!

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Momento MODOK 2022

Hola MODOK fans,

Here's my final image for 2022! So, with the last minutes of March ticking away, I'd like to give my thanks to all those who've been a part of March MODOK Madness for the past 15 years.  

First and foremost, a multitude of thanks to all the artists that have joined (and rejoined) us in our annual celebration of this Jack Kirby creation. Your continued contributions of time, talent, and creativity are a constant inspiration.

And last but not least, bountiful truckloads of thanks to my good friend Brendan. This year he did the heavy lifting with posting submissions while churning out a mighty collection of MODOK images. It's always a pleasure dude. Thanks again for sharing the last 1.5 decades with me on this artistic adventure.

I raise a glass to you all, take care out there and keep on Mindblasting!



So Long Until Next March...


 March MODOK Madness 2022 has come to an end!  A big thanks to all who submitted this year; your great artwork is what makes this event so great!  A big thank you to Brian Cronin and the artists of CBR's feature The Line It Is Drawn for participating in a MODOK week!  And last, but not least, a big thank you to my partner in crime, Pedro Delgado!  Happy fifteen years to you, bud.

See you all next March!


Submitted MODOK: RD

The last RD post of the year!

My last submission before the month is over is this duo of simple, rough sketch feeling images, hope you like them.

Since a Skeletor-MODOK is not that original of an idea, I also included a He-Man / Captain America hybrid (He-Cap), and made sure that their wrestle feels more like some awkward dance routine than an epic struggle.
And then there's HorDOK and a cross between She-Ra and Ms. Marvel (Miss-Ra) in the second image, nothing special there.

I'll also post a little 'bonus pin-up' on my blog, you can check it out, if you'd like:

So, that's it for me, guys. Once again thanks for the opportunity, and see you all next year, but until then: Make Mine MODOK!

Thanks for all your submissions, RD!


Submitted MODOK: Sebs

The last word from Sebs this year and that word is MODOK! Beauty!

Check out Sebs' work here: https://www.instagram.com/sebasebs/



Few more hours to go!

Tossed a little bit of animation into this one to get the flavor of a daily vocabulary-guessing game. I imagine if you're a big brain mental organism like MODOK you guess the words correctly every time.

Take care out there and keep on Mindblasting,

Submitted MODOK: John Douglas

Here's a final word from prolific MODOK maker, John Douglas:
Well, here’s the last of the submissions for March M.O.D.O.K. Madness 2022, with M.O.D.O.K. as the giant, floating head from "Zardoz”. Here’s to more fun next year!

Here’s the link my usual nonsense (ie. my Blog): https://johndouglasart.blogspot.com/
Thanks for everything, John!


Mini_MODOK 2 in 1!

Two quick MODOK images in one post here. Have a few more to finish off before midnight rolls around. Hope you dig them and are having an excellent Thursday.

March is for Mindblasts!

Submitted MODOK: Sebs

Another Sebs on this, the last day of March MODOK Madness 2022!

Check out Sebastien's work here: https://www.instagram.com/sebasebs/.

Thanks, Sebs!


Submitted MODOK: RD

Mental organism designated RD returns as well:

Combining MODOK with the Beatles' Yellow Submarine felt such a silly idea that I just had to do it.
So here's my third submission for this year, I hope you'll like it.

Check out more of RD's work at https://vanezigy.blogspot.com/.


Submitted MODOK: John Douglas

John Douglas returns!

Well, it took a little longer than planned, but here it is—the finale of the “Marto Saga”, featuring slaps, Mind Blasts, and exploding heads. Gross! And the return of the two rogue A.I.M. Beekeepers who don’t want to be stuck cleaning up the mess (not that I blame them!).

Here’s the link usual shenanigans on my Blog: https://johndouglasart.blogspot.com/

Thanks, John!


MMM 2022 31


Dawn of the final day...

I originally planned on adding some animation here, but I think this is a good place to stop. Just 24 more hours to go in this crazy month of March, take care out there and enjoy.

Keep on Mindblasting!

Wednesday, March 30, 2022


Just floating out this late evening post before I catch some Z's. Please enjoy and be sure to take care out there.

March is for MODOK,

Mid-Week Mini MODOK_005

Final Wednesday post of March 2022!

This brief ballpoint pen sketch was painted using basic round brush from photoshop. I only cranked the flow down and lowered the opacity so that the colors would layer more. The rest of it's just some layer effects used to dial in the colors for the image as a whole. Hope you dig the sketch, I love drawing this grumpy lil' dude.

March is for MODOK!

The Line It Is Drawn: Paul Shinn

It's March MODOK Madness week over at CBR's weekly feature, The Line It Is Drawn!  Paul Shinn draws Charlie Brown as suggested by @jholbo1.

Check out more of Paul's work at his website.  Thanks, Paul!


MMM 2022 30


Tuesday, March 29, 2022

MODOK Zapper!

Quick scribble of MODOK giving his Mindblaster a rest for the evening and trying out his official Spaceman Spiff style Blaster.

Zap Zap Zap,

The Line It Is Drawn: Seni Oyewole

It's March MODOK Madness week over at CBR's weekly feature, The Line It Is Drawn!  Seni Oyewole draws Garfield as suggested by @daviddwwilliams.

Check out more of Seni's work at his website.  Thanks, Seni!


MMM 2022 29



Midnight Mini MODOK!


Just a quickie image to post late at night, because I do enjoy quick little sketches with Photoshop effects on them.

March is for MODOK,

Monday, March 28, 2022


Happy MONDAY, here's a menacing lil' MODOK to kick off our final week of 2020!

Keep on Mindblasting,

The Line It Is Drawn: Morgan Blunt

 It's March MODOK Madness week over at CBR's weekly feature, The Line It Is Drawn!  Morgan Blunt draws Mojo Jojo as suggested by @dansjostrom.

Check out more of Morgan's work at his website.  Thanks,  Morgan!


MMM 2022 28



Sunday, March 27, 2022

Sunday MODOK Mood!


With four more days of the month to go. So, I'm hustling to get out a few more posts before cooking up an evening meal. Best evening wishes everyone, be well and I'll hop in again tomorrow with more art.

March is for MODOK!

What If...?


The Line It Is Drawn: Axel Medellin

It's March MODOK Madness week over at CBR's weekly feature, The Line It Is Drawn!  Axel Medellin draws Hellboy as suggested by @CapSarcastica.

Check out more of Axel's work at his website.  Thanks, Axel!


MMM 2022 27


Saturday, March 26, 2022

Saturday Evening MINDBLAST!_004

Happy Saturday all!

Here's a quick post with my best wishes for your weekend ahead.

March is for MODOK,

Submitted MODOK: Blockheadz

Aaron Goulbourn, the artist behind Blockheadz, cuts, folds and pastes this awesome cubical paper MODOK our way!

Check out Aaron's Blockheadz FB page here.  Thanks. Aaron!

The Line It Is Drawn: Rod Allen

It's March MODOK Madness week over at CBR's weekly feature, The Line It Is Drawn!  Rod Allen draws Archie, Betty, and Veronica as suggested by @CapSarcastica.

Check out more of Rod's work at his website.  Thanks, Rod!


MMM 2022 26
