MODOK Madness 2025 continues on!

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Mid-Week MODANK!

So ends another year of March MODOK Madness.

Once more, I am happy that we all had this month to share artwork and bask in the radiant glow of a mighty Mindblast. It's been a particularly long twelve months since we last did this event. But, once again it's proven itself to be a pleasure and much needed escape. So, I wanted make a few quick shout outs before I roll off into the sunset here. Bountiful thanks to my blogging buddy Brendan Tobin, for being an inspiration and for sharing this event with me year after year. I'll also need to send a metric tonnage of thanks and gratitude to all the folks that contributed and submitted artwork this year. You make this blog fun and new ever year. In closing, I wish you all the best for 2021, take care of yourselves out there and keep making artwork. I look forward to seeing you in the future.

March is for MODOK!

So Long MODOK...

Here's the wrap-up to March MODOK Madness 2021!

A big thank you to my partner in crime, Pedro Delgado, who again did a lot of the heavy lifting with the submissions!  You are the man!

Another thank you to all of you who continue to support us over the years.  Keep sending us your artwork and we will keep posting it!  Tell your friends!

Until next year...


Yo Hablo LingoDOK!


Winding down to the final hours of March 2021 and I've almost exhausted my ideas for the year. Part of the pandemic (and pre-pandemic) times has been spent trying to build my Spanish skills using Duolingo. 

So, I figured MODOK would fit right into a Duolingo styled language lesson. Unfortunately, I did need some help from google translate with my syntax so if this isn't perfect, please forgive me. I'll keep working at it. Text roughly translates as follows:

Submitted MODOK: R.D.

R.D. strikes again, with this fantastically cinematic MODOK submission to close out his month of Mindblast. He types,

Okay, this was a big one. I wanted to do a MODOK-piece in honor of the new Godzilla VS King Kong movie, but although I had the basic idea pretty early on, I only rushed through it these last few days, ignored some details and scrapped my original plan of including the full '70s roster of the Avengers, just to make sure I don't miss the deadline (maybe there'll be an 'advanced version' on my blog in the next few days). So here's MODOK in his giant robot-body on top of the Empire State Building, fighting Iron Man.

And that's it for me, guys. Thank you for the opportunity and see you next year.
Until then, keep safe everyone!

Thanks again for the contributions and support R.D. We're always happy to have you along for the annual tribute to our favorite mental organism. If you want to scope out that advanced version for yourself just pop over to https://vanezigy.blogspot.com/ periodically for the next few days, and enjoy the artwork.

Mindblast to the very last!

Submitted MODOK: R.R. & R.D.

We received this unconventional MODOK submission from the anonymous R.R. & R.D. on our last day of the month with the byline.

Our Mother broke her leg. She got her light cast today. We decided to make a M.O.D.O.K. on it.

We here at the blog wish your mother a speedy recovery, and congratulate her for sporting some magnificent MODOK artwork on that cast.

Mindblast to the last!


Submitted MODOK: John Douglas

John Douglas is a man of his word, a few days back he'd mentioned having a final MODOK in the works this year. It's his sixth submission of the year, and it's absolutely stunning. John writes,

Hey Pedro and Brandon,  

Well, looks like I got my last submission done just under the wire!  This time, it's a Paper Doll set starring the ol' Head Cheese, himself.  Although, now that I look at it, his head(s) may be a little too... "Normal".  Oh, well, by the time you cut out the pieces and glue on any accessories, you'll barely be able to tell!

John has some high res versions of this wonderful paper doll set over at https://johndouglasart.blogspot.com/. We warmly invite you to visit his blog, print these out, grab some scissors, and a glue stick to have a little MODOK crafting session wherever you are. Happy March MODOK Madness 2021 to you all and many thanks to Mr. Douglas for another year of amazing artwork.

March is for Mindblasts!


Submitted MODOK: Ben Sears

Artwork by: Ben Sears.
This mighty MODOK image arrived in our inbox courtesy of Sean Dellis who writes,

I commissioned Ben Sears to create his rendition of MODOK. Look at those eyes. They mean business. You can find more of Ben's work at https://www.instagram.com/freebensears/

Big thanks to Sean for sharing Ben's brilliant artwork. Please enjoy this last full day of March MODOK Madness 2021!

March is for Mindblasts,

Submitted MODOK: Sebs

As promised after yesterday's post, steadfast Sebs sent us another marvelous MODOK image and writes, 

Ok, it’s not the cleanest but it has a mask on. Here is to 2021 see you in 2022!!!!!

Many thanks again for sharing your time and talent with us Sebs, and well gladly share this link to your artwork at https://www.instagram.com/sebasebs/ in the spirit of cooperation!

Keep on Mindblasting!

Submitted MODOK: Keith Vincent

Good friend to the blog, Keith Vincent, sends in a MODOK, this time with childhood chum Man-Thing!  Who knew an evil mental organism and a misunderstood muck monster could be such buddies?  Keith knew, that's who!

Thanks, Keith.  Good to see you again this year.  You can view more creations of Mr. Vincent's at https://www.instagram.com/dr_anomaly/.


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Submitted MODOK: Sebs

Steadfast Sebs is a long time fan and contributor to the blog. So, it was only a matter of time before he sent some artistic gold to the ol' inbox so we might post it up for all to see and enjoy. He writes,


Man time moves so strangely in quarantine, I cannot believe that March is already over.  Hope you are doing well.  I had a couple modok I was able to finish out from my pile of doodles.  If time is kind to me today I have one last one that I might be able to finish up.  Always a blast.  Already looking forward to next year. Have a great and safe 2021.

We are wishing you the best of luck with that final image Sebs! The more MODOK, the merrier! Also we'll invite visitors to the blog to check out https://www.instagram.com/sebasebs/ for more artwork from Sebs.

March is for MODOK!







Submitted MODOK: MOTHbot

Watercolor on paper.
The mighty mental organism known as MOTHbot hath graced the inbox with this wonderful watercolor image inspired by MODOK & music! He writes,

The helmets of all AIM troopers have speakers which not only allow communication, but also play Muzak 24/7. This Muzak is created by the world infamous duo of MODAFT. 

MODAFT also create special occasions tunes to inspire and motivate: Battle Charge tunes, marching tunes, threnodies and dirges.

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger. Our thanks to MOTHbot for the years of continued support and invite you to visit https://mothbot.artstation.com/ for more awesome artwork. Which reminds me, I have to go do my Homework.

March is for Mindblasts!

Submitted MODOK: John Douglas

John Douglas continues to the bring the artistic ruckus this March with Submission Number 5. John types,

Oh, look, here's more bit of spam for your Blog (and mine)!  In this case, it's a parody of Bazooka Joe comics.  That's right, kids, I'm old enough for remember getting small briquettes of gum which was hard as a rock and wrapped in a small, wax paper comic! Here's to hoping I get one more submission in before March 31st, fingers crossed!

"KA-ZOOP" is pretty excellent, as is this fantastic submission. We're always honored to share this month with you Mr. Douglas and look forward to whatever art you can get to us here in the final days.
We'll also gladly plug your personal art blog over at https://johndouglasart.blogspot.com/.

 March is for MODOK,

Monday, March 29, 2021

Monday Mini MODOK_005

The last Monday of the month showcases one of my favorite MODOK drawings of the year. Was hoping to do an animation cycle with it in Photoshop, but time got the better of me and for now it'll just have to be this brush pen sketch covered in Photoshop painting. Only a few more days in this month of Mindblast, so if you are gonna flex your MODOK art making muscles now is the time. Because when we reach April 2021, we'll be done!

March is for MODOK,

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Just another MODOK Sunday...

G'mornin all,

Here's an image to bookend my post from yesterday morning. Believe I sketched it with a ballpoint pen and am rather happy with how the color treatment turned out. We've only got a couple more days to go here in March, so let's Mindblast to the very last.

Put some MODOK in your March,

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Cosmic Cube MODOK


Eagerly digging into the last weekend of March MODOK Madness with a few more posts. I decided to add some cosmic cube energy into an image for dramatic lighting. Hope you are having an excellent month and that you are enjoying the images.

Stay safe out there,

Friday, March 26, 2021

Friday Night MODOK!

With the final full week of March MODOK Madness winding down. I figured I'd share this images of our favorite mental organism blasting off into the weekend. Definitely have a few more up my sleeve this month, and I look forward to sharing them in the coming days. Please continue to enjoy the blog and march to the beat of your own Mindblast.

Hail MODOK!,

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Submitted MODOK: Nelson Diaz

The mental organism known as Nelson Dias sent us this quartet of photos chronicling his recent artistic exploits. He writes, 

At the start of the pandemic last year, found myself chatting with my buddy Mr. Pedro Delgado when I started this cardboard Modok sculpture that I didn't finish in time. Still not finished but hey- gotta get it up for this March Modok Madness regardless!

I remember that phone call, time sure does fly. We're thrilled that Nelson is sharing his colorful corrugated creation with the blog today. Many thanks again for sending the photos and sharing in the event this year. For more of Nelson's artwork visit him at http://www.nelsart.com/ or catch up with him over at https://www.instagram.com/nelsfarts/.

Keep on Mindblasting,

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Mid-Week MODOK_004

Happy Wednesday MODOK fans!,

I elected to throw a little pixel art action into one of my posts for this week. Also, a quick heads up that we are now kicking off the last seven days in our month of MODOK madness. We will endeavor to keep an eye on the inbox here for new submissions to post. So, if you're interested in that please don't delay. When the calendar hits April 1, we're done for the 2021 season.

March to your own Mindblast!

Tuesday, March 23, 2021


Another day, another Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing.


Submitted MODOK: John Douglas

The mighty Mr. Douglas hath visited the blog's inbox with his fourth installment of MODOK art for 2021. Clearly these are the actions of a man with a mission. Motivated to make artwork to have a full month of mindblasts this March. He writes, 

Greetings M.O.D.O.K. Mavens, 

Another instance of goofing around in a painting program and having M.O.D.O.K. just kinda show up.  'Tis the season, after all. Here's to hoping for two to three more before the end of the month.

We look forward to the additional posts John, and thank you for sharing your time and creativity with us here on the blog year after year. We also can't forget to remind folks that they can visit John's blog over at https://johndouglasart.blogspot.com/.

March is for MODOK,

Monday, March 22, 2021

Monday Mini MODOK_004

Opted for some bright colors and patters on this one. Not entirely sure why I sketched the facial hair and didn't bother with drawing eyebrows, perhaps all those years of launching Mindblasts just scorched them out of existence. Figured he's getting ready to step into the ring and lay down some hurt in some kind of steel cage death match. Do hope you are enjoying this month of MODOK art and invite you to share an image with us before April arrives.

March is for MODOK,

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Submitted MODOK: Oniyaki

The mighty mental organism known as Oniyaki recently sent us these entries inspired by horror and anime genres. We're very grateful for these wonderful artistic contributions to this month of MODOK fandom, and thank Oniyaki for taking the time to share.

We also cordially invite you to visit @oniyaki on Instagram for more graphic goodness.

March is for MODOK,

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Saturday Night MODOK

Mighty Mindblasts to you all this evening!

I've been having a good time this month trying some different stuff in Photoshop this month. I'm digging through a folder of textures I began compiling some years back, and sorting through long forgotten custom brushes. The month is always a great inspiration to try different stuff and seeing the submissions roll in always gets the creativity moving. I hope everyone out there is enjoying the artwork this year and look forward to what is coming next. 


Another MODOK



Friday, March 19, 2021

Submitted MODOK: RD

RD has returned, to make good on his promise of contributing more MODOK mash-ups this March. Lately, he's been mixing MCU with cartoon genres from the past, and the results are delightful. RD writes,
This one's based on some classic Looney Tunes characters, namely Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny. Be aware though, I've been practicing my Elmer-MODOK for like a year now, so that's all good, but my Bugs-Cap is still kind of nightmare fuel-ish. Oh well, maybe that's the charm in it.

It's super charming RD, I can easily imagine Elmer-MODOK saying "I'll cwush you, you wascally steve wogers!" If you're looking for more art from the prolific RD, visit https://vanezigy.blogspot.com/.

Keep on Mindblasting,

Friday Morning MODOK!

Three weeks already.

Whew, this month of MODOK is speeding along in 2021. I've got a handful of other posts I am hoping to wrap up before April, wish me luck on that. I'm looking forward to new submissions over the next few weeks. 

Sending my thanks to Brendan for co-hosting this blog, and those artists who have submitted and shared artwork over these last 13 years. I wish you all an excellent March and year to come.

Mindblasts for all,

Thursday, March 18, 2021

George Strikes BACK!

He was a mental organism on a helicarrier, and he was hella pissed.
Hello Fellow MODOK fans,

Just a quick heads up as we dig into the second half of March. Wanted to add a quick reminder that we'll be accepting/posting submissions right up until April 1st, so don't procrastinate. If you have the urge to exercise your creative muscles, don't delay. Mindblast us with your artwork today.

Take care out there and enjoy this month of Mindblasts,

Submitted MODOK: RD

The mighty RD has been regularly contributing to the Madness for some years now. He recently sensed a lull in the amount of Mindblasts generated during this month of March so he writes,
I finally got my act together, and following two weeks of procrastinating, did some MODOK-mashups. Here's the first couple of them, based on Dexter's Laboratory, and I'll finish another one tomorrow (at least, that's the plan).

These are delightful indeed, and we are eager for future posts. Many thanks to RD for the fantastic contributions and we here at the blog invite you to scope out his work over at https://vanezigy.blogspot.com/

March is for Mindblasts,


Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

 Have fun, be safe!


Mid-Week MODOK_003

Happy Paddy's Day!

In the absence of green beer, I'll share this mental organism with shades of green and orange. Hope you're all having a wonderful Wednesday in this month of MODOK.  I'll get back to work on some more images here and invite you all to share an image with us here before the March ends.

Take care out there everyone,

Monday, March 15, 2021

Submitted MODOK: John Douglas

Human dynamo John Douglas treats us to a Pi Day MODOK, who is enjoying some delicious pie.  Very appropriate.  Well, we here at MMM are a bit behind in posting this gem, but here you go, a day late. However, pi is still used with circles or something and pie is still delicious. Thanks, John!

Check out some of John's work here: https://johndouglasart.blogspot.com/


Monday Mini MODOK_003

The old saying goes, "Beware the Ides of March"..

But maybe that qoute could be amended to add, "and also beware the Ire of Red Modok".
He's extra cranky because he needed two coats of body paint to cover up his powerful pallor. He's gonna Mindblast the heck out of that Red Hulk dweeb and take over the Thunderbolts before the day is up.

Please take care out there and keep sharing the MODOK mental energy this March. 

Mindblasts are forever,

Saturday, March 13, 2021

The Line It Is Drawn: Brendan Tobin


From The Line It Is Drawn, July 31st, 2020:

Help get the word out to wear a mask by picking a comic book character and our artists will depict that character doing a PSA for wearing a mask
Twitter followers, BackintheBronze and ErichMees, suggested: MODOK!

Check out the other talented Liners' mask PSAs here.


Thursday, March 11, 2021

Submitted MODOK: Sebs

We hear from MMM regular Sebs:

Happy Mario day!!!It’s been a long time. I hope you are doing well! Captain toad is simply tracking treasure and is out to track treasure AND mind blast any fool that tries to get in his way.

You can find me on Instagram @sebasebs
Well, we're posting this a day late, but its still a stunning piece. Welcome back and thanks for the MODOK, Sebs!


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Mid-Week MODOK_002

Another Wednesday demands another Mindblast,

Hope you are all enjoying the artwork, and maybe making some yourselves. Remember, if you do make some MODOK feel free to share it along. We'll post it up as soon as we're able along with a byline and any link to your other work. This little Brush pen sketch with Photoshop had a pretty good feel to it, might have a few more like it before the month is out.

Hope you dig,



Happy Mar10 Day!


Monday, March 8, 2021

Mini MODOK Monday. Round 2

Good Monday Morning MODOK fans,

Here's another brush pen doodle that met up with some photoshop paints. If you like what you are seeing and want to get involved please make some MODOK artwork and send it our way. Keep the images at a modest size with 72 dpi. Then ttach whatever text or personal art links you'd like in the email and we'll see about posting it up before the clock hits April.

Beyond that be well out there and keep Mindblasting everybody!